View Full Version : Freaking out about my heart!

28-09-11, 11:56
Just been to the clinic and nurse took my blood pressure. As soon as the cuff was on I started freaking out and I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest. My pulse was 103 and my blood pressure was 151/71!! And everytime I check my pulse at work with the pulse oximeters it's usually around 100! Really worried there's something wrong with my heart but have no idea what my actual pulse rate or blood pressure is because anytime a medical device comes near me I start panicking and my heart rate shoots up anyway!

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 ----------


jo h
28-09-11, 11:57
Hey Im sorry to hear you are worried about your heart ....I don't know why you have this panic but if it helps slightly i am sitting here worried about my heart too ......so i know exactly how u feel and its far from good :( xx

28-09-11, 12:12
Well at least its not just me :( The nurse said don't worry about my BP cause it's still in the normal range and she reckons it would normally be lower cause I told her I get nervous. Doesn't make me feel any better though.

28-09-11, 20:55
No-one else?

28-09-11, 21:26
Ok, how about this..!! I'm 58 now, about 18 months ago I was at the nurse for a blood pressure check, I've had lots of regular checks over 9 years, nurse was a litle shocked to read 219/106 and pulse 103...she called a doctor to do another check...198/100 or thereabouts...both stood over me looking and asking was I alright???...yes fine thanks I said...!

I have a long history of high BP, 180/100 9 years ago...I'm still here:winks:

had Echocardiogram and I do have a stiff valve..its 'abnormal', doesn't cause me any real pain just a prickling sensation now and again.

No need for you to worry too much, have they started you on medication?


28-09-11, 21:36
No no medication, well it was a contraception check up and they were checking my BP so I could go back on the pill. The nurse said it was fine though and she wasn't worried about it. I took my pulse manually earlier today when I was resting at work and it was about 80 so that made me feel better.

I'm only 21 and I'm not overweight so I don't really have a common reason why it would be high/my pulse would be high. Made me freak out there was something wrong with my heart!

28-09-11, 21:39
I think you are fine, just 'white coat' fear..it does happen often, no need to worry.

I've had lots of practice now so I just take it all with a pinch of salt...!!

Take care :)


28-09-11, 21:51
I am exactly the same. I get so worked up last time it was 170 /90 and I am on meds. They suggested that I take it at home and just tonight worked myself up to taking it and it was too high to record on the home monitor! I know that when the nurse takes it a couple of times it comes down to 138/80 or so and I am OK with that as I am 68 and have had it for a long time...but nothing wrong with my heart at present, so please do not worry about that. I would give anything not to get stressed when it is being taking, but have just to look at the BP machine and I swear it starts to rise! Anyone got any tips on overcoming this please let us know! You will be fine and it is no doubt much lower when you are calm at home. Good luck XX

28-09-11, 22:14
Not much use asking me how to control BP at the surgery..!

Some time ago our surgery installed a computer blood pressure machine in the reception area...DIY BP testing in view of paitents waiting for their turn to see a doc...

I was phoned at home and asked to attend and do my own check, I could go anytime I wanted, see the reception lady and off you go...plastic coin in the slot and listen to the instructions...after my 3rd attempt to make this thing work I almost pulled the plug out of the wall:mad:

Daft idea if you ask me! not long after the machine disappeared and I'm back with the nurse.

I was told last week the machine is back..!!! guess what I'll say if they phone me to do it all over again...no thanks..not likely:whistles:


28-09-11, 22:43
Thats my problem I see a blood pressure machine and all of a sudden my heart just starts thudding! whether I'm at home or at the hospital/doctors/clinic whatever so I dont know how I'll ever get a proper reading o.O

28-09-11, 23:41
I only need to walk through the door of a hospital or Drs surgery and my pulse can be up to 140 and my blood pressure around 160/90 but its all white coat syndrome as I have proved as I got a home montier and the first week it was high end of normal like 132/90 but if I stay calm and breathe slowly during the bp test then its been around 118/80 and pulse 72.

I have had tests in hospital cancelled in the past due to my pulse being so high and once out of the hospital it goes back to normal!

29-09-11, 04:26
High blood presser runs in my family so it's a constant fear of mine . I have been on blood presser meds for the past 6 years but due to some insurance issues I have been with out my meds many times during one of my episodes with anxiety I went to ER thinking I was having a heart attack after hooking me up to EKG machine and watching for an hour my blood pressure is always in the normal range , one would think this would give me comfort but it only scares me more I have had high blood pressure for 6 years and on meds now without the meds it's normal something is not right and that freaks me out.