View Full Version : Hello, New Member: Come to seek some advice : )

28-09-11, 20:19
Hello everyone at N.M.P...

I've been looking around on the net for advice on panic attacks, found some interesting sites but this is the first forum I have signed up too. Im a 24 year old male from the Midlands. I had my first panic attack about 5 years ago because I was smoking too much cannabis :lac:

After my first attack I gave up smoking that s*** straight away and haven't touched it since. After that day I had a couple more big attacks, but after that my head has been fuzzy/foggy, I feel like I'm not really in my body sometimes, I constantly get dizzee, my mouth and arms go numb and tingly, I have to labour my breathing...Not good basically.

My attacks seem to come on mostly in social situations, well enclosed social situations like at work, in interview, meetings etc. I hate it. I need to stop this NOW!

Hello to all the members I hope you all make me feel welcome :yesyes:


28-09-11, 20:21
Hi Akathisia

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-09-11, 20:33
Thanks for the welcome Diane07. I will do :D

paula lynne
28-09-11, 20:43
Welcome to a great supportive forum, you picked the best!
You will meet some great people here, and get lots of help and advice. You can go into chat in 5 days.
You can use the "search" facility to search for particular words or phrases.

I remember seeing an advert on tv that smoking cannabis gives you panic attacks. Glad youve knocked that on the head. My mate smoked it since she was 17, shes 38 now and a mess, not many brain cells left I guess bless her.

Hopefully, now that the cannabis is out of your system, you can reverse the damage and retrain your brain...it will take a bit of time, but you can completely recover form panic attacks, many people do.

Knowledge is the key. Read read and read some more. Keep posting here!
Best wishes, Paula x

28-09-11, 21:01
That's a really inspirational post paula_lynne thank you for that and thanks for the welcome also :) Yeah that stuff really messes with your mind, I'm lucky to get out of it with just panic attacks as its been known to cause schizophrenia among other nastiness (which I thought I had already, being a classic worrier).

In regards to retraining my brain, that is exactly what I'm looking to do, you have made me feel better already :hugs:lol

Thanks guys

Vanilla Sky
29-09-11, 20:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x