View Full Version : is it ok to sleep with a fan on?

28-09-11, 21:06
im terrifed of house accidents can i sleep with my fan on as its so warm here lol?

28-09-11, 21:10
Yes as long as you dont have to pay the electric bill ..lmao :Dx

28-09-11, 21:11
Why don't you put it on a timer if your'e worried. I always sleep with alot of electrical appliances on and my wiring is done really dodgey :doh:

28-09-11, 21:15
hi, i dont have a timer , its just a little plug in one . love the heat in the day- hate it at bedtime lol! . sue- my dad pays it so i checked with him lol- my room gets the sun at evening

evil monkey
28-09-11, 21:34
as long as its electrically sound (ie, plug) and can't be knocked over or have something walk or fly into it (or trip over power cable) by accident :) if its by a window make sure it can't be rained on (or fall out the window) and ^^ the timer thing

28-09-11, 21:39
thank you. what do you mean electricy sound? x

evil monkey
28-09-11, 21:41
sound, as in 'ok' (no faults). :)

28-09-11, 21:47
oh thank u. pretty sure its ok lol x
its just to warm to sleep haha x

Deepest Blue
28-09-11, 21:56
I've been using a fan to help me sleep for over 15 years... no problems with it at all.. :)

28-09-11, 22:02
thank you. this and april have been the nicest weather we have had ! x

Deepest Blue
28-09-11, 22:04
thank you. this and april have been the nicest weather we have had ! x

Yes absolutely... What strange weather.. and to think it might snow next week :ohmy:

evil monkey
28-09-11, 22:09
Yes absolutely... What strange weather.. and to think it might snow next week :ohmy:
