View Full Version : it cant be normal to feel this way.......

29-09-11, 07:13
Hi all, I am having such a struggle at the min.had a tough week which had led to my doc putting up my mirtazapine to 45 mg and also giving me serequel 150mg to try and lift my depression.my main problem is depersonalisation,intensly feeling unreal looking in on myself.I really feel like I will forget who I am or lose my personality.this has to be cjd (my major obsession and worry).

how do I get rid of the unreality?

can anyone relate or has experience of feeling like this on medication.

many thanks for any in put x

30-09-11, 04:45
I'm also on mirtazapine and going to increase my dose tonight from 15 to 30 mg. My grandpa just died and a few days before that I had a massive panic attack that landed me in the hospital. I haven't had the unreal feelings yet (well a few now that I am dealing from the death of a loved one..not from the meds). When did those feelings of unreality start? I will keep you posted on how it goes with my increase of the meds, but from what I've read depersonalization is very common when one is going through a rough patch of anxiety or depression.

30-09-11, 08:12
Hi thank you for replying. So sorry for your loss,i hope things become easier with time.Things have got so much worse,my feelings of detachment are so bad I feel like my body is on automatic pilot and o might stop moving or if i do move I wonder how I did that,its terrifying.I know I sound potty but its horrible.my mirtazapine is at 45mg now,plus on seroquel to try and lift my mood.

I'm seeing the doc this afternoon so see what he says.

Take care x x

02-10-11, 18:50
Tinkerbell,,,,I just PM'd you ...... but yeah, I am LOADED with depersonalisation ... LOADED! ... i live like that. It's awful ,and I do believe it's from anxiety...and hormones. I do take xanax, which helps greatly! But, yes, this feeling of not being "real" or "here" is quite disturbing .... it actually causes MORE anxiety!