View Full Version : a driving phobia

19-05-06, 07:34
hi I have had panic attacks b4 years ago and they seemed to go away except for the odd flutter which I could easily handle. About 6 months ago they started again and seemed to happen whilst driving. I had a couple of huge ones then got very scared to drive. I started avoiding driving but then everything else went bad as well. To cut a very long story short I now haven't driven for 6 months. Has anyone else suffered like this and does anyone have any advice or happy ending stories to help me. I even bought a new car as some insentive. thanks desi. Also does anyone else take citralopram any what do you think of it.

19-05-06, 08:35
Hi there

Try these links ...

Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)
Driving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6038)
driving phobia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5105)
Hi, I am new and need re-assurance (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6527)
Panic - When driving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6631)
Panic attacks while driving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7291)

I learned many coping techniques - see them on this page - How to cope with Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=coping) under the Distraction heading.

I also use the Rescue Remedy spray and that really helps. Have you heard of that? Loud music playing distracts me.

However, after coping with it and doing it, I hate it and want to be cured not just cope.

I have just started back with CBT so you may want to follow my thread on that to see what I am taught. The post is at ....
CBT therapy for driving problems - my diary (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7162)


19-05-06, 08:40
The fear of driving is just about the most common one there is for Panic Attackers.
Often, panic attacks will occur at traffic lights where a queue has formed behind you
A left hand turn (right hand for Aussies and Brits)
While driving on high speed carriageways/freeways.
The other popular one is anything over a bridge.. or sometimes an underground section.

At least one woman I know is terrified of driving under train bridges IF a train is crossing.

But yeah, its pretty much the most common one.
I actually stopped fearing panic attacks but as those went away I began fearing 'what if' I had severe 'disassociation' while driving.

Here is the really funny thing though - you can and do drive perfectly.
Most all of us do.
You might think you look like your driving erratic or apprehensively or are panicking ... but I bet anything you were doing perfecty fine.
Probably havent even had many tickets or accidents?

but yeah.. Classic.

Question.. since you stopped driving, are you pretty much housebound all the time or do you go out much?

19-05-06, 10:23
Hi Desi

I also have a phobia about driving, there are some good posts on here about technicques you can use, i find the best for me is when i am in traffic jams and traffic lights i try to make words out of car number plates which seems to keep the anxiety at bay, i am still working on the anxiety fear of driving but it seems to be getting a little easier, you are not alone my friend we are all here to help.

Love Andrea

19-05-06, 12:14
thanks to everyone and Andrea I will certainly try making words out of number plates they mightn't be words that I could repeat infront of others but I will give it a go. I am going to try and go for a little drive tomorrow while my husband is home

19-05-06, 22:08
I had a horrible time with driving cuz my first really big panic attack was while I was driving. I decided it was better for me to just not drive anymore. But it didn't stop the panic attacks. They just went to other parts of my life. Next even riding in a car was hard so I would avoid going anywhere. Then even going out of the house triggered panic so I stayed in the house. One day I woke up and decided I was tired of letting my anxiety rule my whole life so I started taking baby steps to conquer it. I just drove around my cul de sac for awhile until I was comfortable with that. Then around the block and so on. I am back on the road now and I still have the rush panic feeling every once in awhile but I just talk myself thru it and go on.
The point is you CAN get past this. It does take time and you will have setbacks - everyone does but as long as you are taking small steps forward you are winning.
Hope it helps :)


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