View Full Version : High blood pressure

29-09-11, 13:36
I would like to ask all you lovely caring people out there :)

If any of you have been told they have high blood pressure. How do you deal with it and ACCEPT it. That is my problem I am finding it hard to accept. But may I add It is very mild and I had it when I had problems in my life ie losing my job marriage break up moving house car crash thats when they said i had it after some silly person crashed into the back of me and i wnt to hospital as my neck was in pain. Still suffer with my neck. Anyway just need advice in accepting Blood pressure as for some reason it scares me. I have white coat syndrome So hate getting it done or even doing it myself. Although my last reading was 128/81 but i got it in my head and i am now phobic about it. Help please thank you

Cathy xx

29-09-11, 13:37
Cathy that reading is not high so nothing to worry about at all

paula lynne
29-09-11, 13:42
Hi Cathy, I was diagnosed with high Bp about 5 years ago....my average was 190/90...Ive been taking Lisinopril 20mg since then and its been under control. However, Ive recently decided Im sick of tablets and have begun to loose my extra weight....this means my BP has been normal, even a little low at times.

Im actually seeing my GP at 3.30pm today to ask if I can come off them.
I think for some having borderline highish BP is normal for them, and thats fine. Some people tend to have very low, its whats normal for the person.

Look after your health, get exercise, eat right, and you will be doing yourself a big favour. Gps expect a higher reading from someone with anxiety, its ok.

Your last reading was only just over whats considered normal, please know that if it was dangerous, your GP would have acted right there and then. Your systolic (top) number is normal, your diastolic (bottom) number is very very slightly over. Nothing to worry about love ok. It was probably raised because you were at your GPs.

Paula x

29-09-11, 13:47
I know but I find it hard to keep the positive in my mind. My family say it is what i went through last year it has frayed my nerves and now my life if fine i am away from my mad husband I have a lovely man in my life but i tend to latch on to what if i go to have it checked and it's high what if this and what if that. I know it's silly. But I am trying to be positive. :) Thanks Nicola xx

Cathy xx

29-09-11, 19:30
Hi Cathy, I was diagnosed with high Bp about 5 years ago....my average was 190/90...Ive been taking Lisinopril 20mg since then and its been under control. However, Ive recently decided Im sick of tablets and have begun to loose my extra weight....this means my BP has been normal, even a little low at times.

Im actually seeing my GP at 3.30pm today to ask if I can come off them.
I think for some having borderline highish BP is normal for them, and thats fine. Some people tend to have very low, its whats normal for the person.

Look after your health, get exercise, eat right, and you will be doing yourself a big favour. Gps expect a higher reading from someone with anxiety, its ok.

Your last reading was only just over whats considered normal, please know that if it was dangerous, your GP would have acted right there and then. Your systolic (top) number is normal, your diastolic (bottom) number is very very slightly over. Nothing to worry about love ok. It was probably raised because you were at your GPs.

Paula x

Thanks Paula your right and the gp said I dont have to go back for another 12 months. I just cant get my head round it that I am fine I feel so selfish for feeling like this as I know loads of people with high bp and they just take their tablet and get on with their lives. How did you get on at your GP is he going to take you off the bp pill?

Cathy xx

paula lynne
30-09-11, 05:36
Hiya, looks like my BP is fine but doc wants me to stay on them because "Bp tends to go up as we get older"..................but its fine so why am I taking them? lol.
Paula x

30-09-11, 08:27
Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

1. Chewing celery can bring down your high blood pressure level. It helps in lowering your blood pressure by relaxing the muscles, lining the arteries. Having at least four stalks a day can bring a major difference in lowering the blood pressure.

2. Eating one clove of garlic either raw or in one of the meals also helps in reducing blood pressure.

3. Being stress free is very important. Cuddling your pet or playing with it can bring down your pressure in minutes.

4. Have a great exercise routine to be followed everyday. Aerobics is the one of the ways to deal with it. Avoid isometrics exercises such as weight lifting.

5. Join a laughter club, get your frustration out and enjoy laughs with your friends. Being unhappy, frustrated or angry can make things worse.

6. Keep a good eye on your weight; being over-weight just makes things harder for you.

7. Turn vegetarian as it may ease your problem of high blood pressure.

8. Have nutmeg or sarsaswat powder in warm milk.

9. Lessen your salt-intake.

10. Avoid alcohol too.

11. Increase calcium and potassium intake to help the high blood pressure problem. Some of the fruits and vegetables with high potassium and calcium content are apricots, prunes, bananas, pumpkin, milk, stewed tomatoes, dry peas and beans, orange juice, peaches, spinach, broccoli, turnip greens, cheese, salmon, yogurt and many more.

12. Eat one papaya every morning on empty stomach daily for a month. After eating this do not eat for next two hours.

13. In a 1:1 proportion, mix onion juice with honey. Have two tablespoon of this mixture once a day for 1-2 weeks.

14. Powder 100 gm each of melon and poppy seeds. Mix these together and store it. Have it twice a day with water.

15. Have a mixture of one teaspoon honey, one teaspoon ginger juice and one teaspoon cumin powder twice a day.

16. You can have juices made of garlic, basil, wheatgrass, carrot, beetroot, cucumber or orange.

17. Practicing asanas like shavasan, padmasan, vajrasan, dhanurasan, paschimottasan, konasan, mataysana and matsyendrasan on regular basis can make a lot of difference in your high blood pressure level.

Warning: You should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

30-09-11, 13:51
Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

1. Chewing celery can bring down your high blood pressure level. It helps in lowering your blood pressure by relaxing the muscles, lining the arteries. Having at least four stalks a day can bring a major difference in lowering the blood pressure.

2. Eating one clove of garlic either raw or in one of the meals also helps in reducing blood pressure.

3. Being stress free is very important. Cuddling your pet or playing with it can bring down your pressure in minutes.

4. Have a great exercise routine to be followed everyday. Aerobics is the one of the ways to deal with it. Avoid isometrics exercises such as weight lifting.

5. Join a laughter club, get your frustration out and enjoy laughs with your friends. Being unhappy, frustrated or angry can make things worse.

6. Keep a good eye on your weight; being over-weight just makes things harder for you.

7. Turn vegetarian as it may ease your problem of high blood pressure.

8. Have nutmeg or sarsaswat powder in warm milk.

9. Lessen your salt-intake.

10. Avoid alcohol too.

11. Increase calcium and potassium intake to help the high blood pressure problem. Some of the fruits and vegetables with high potassium and calcium content are apricots, prunes, bananas, pumpkin, milk, stewed tomatoes, dry peas and beans, orange juice, peaches, spinach, broccoli, turnip greens, cheese, salmon, yogurt and many more.

12. Eat one papaya every morning on empty stomach daily for a month. After eating this do not eat for next two hours.

13. In a 1:1 proportion, mix onion juice with honey. Have two tablespoon of this mixture once a day for 1-2 weeks.

14. Powder 100 gm each of melon and poppy seeds. Mix these together and store it. Have it twice a day with water.

15. Have a mixture of one teaspoon honey, one teaspoon ginger juice and one teaspoon cumin powder twice a day.

16. You can have juices made of garlic, basil, wheatgrass, carrot, beetroot, cucumber or orange.

17. Practicing asanas like shavasan, padmasan, vajrasan, dhanurasan, paschimottasan, konasan, mataysana and matsyendrasan on regular basis can make a lot of difference in your high blood pressure level.

Warning: You should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Thanks for all that info tell me have you tried it and does it work?

Cathy xx

---------- Post added at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

Hiya, looks like my BP is fine but doc wants me to stay on them because "Bp tends to go up as we get older"..................but its fine so why am I taking them? lol.
Paula x

Paula pleased for you that your bp was fine. Can I ask do you get nervous when having it taken? I need to get this fear of having it done.

Cathy xx

paula lynne
30-09-11, 20:05
I do get nervous yes Cathy, as I still struggle with agoraphobia some days. Just the thought of being there, the smell, the waiting room, MUST put my BP up, youre not alone. At the end of the day, its out of my hands. If I need to be on the meds, then fine.

Its funny because I was the one performing it when I was nursing, now its me having it done hahah. Try to realise its ok, do the best you can for your health, and just accept it as best you can. About 1 in 5 people have problems at sometime in their lives with BP.
Best wishes, Paula x

01-10-11, 10:46
1) exercise
2) meditate / relax more
3) eat garlic
4) drink plenty of water

:-) xx

03-10-11, 15:18
I do get nervous yes Cathy, as I still struggle with agoraphobia some days. Just the thought of being there, the smell, the waiting room, MUST put my BP up, youre not alone. At the end of the day, its out of my hands. If I need to be on the meds, then fine.

Its funny because I was the one performing it when I was nursing, now its me having it done hahah. Try to realise its ok, do the best you can for your health, and just accept it as best you can. About 1 in 5 people have problems at sometime in their lives with BP.
Best wishes, Paula x

Aww Paula thanks you have been a great help to me you really have and thanks again.

Cathy xx:)

---------- Post added at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

1) exercise
2) meditate / relax more
3) eat garlic
4) drink plenty of water

:-) xx

Good simple advice thank you

Cathy xx

03-10-11, 15:20
Cathy - I have the exact problem. I started having white coat syndrome after I was in a car accident where somebody rear-ended me. I went to the doctor and it was slightly high, but the nurse made a huge deal about it and scared me. Now I know normally when I am not at the doctor my bp is fine, I take it myself, but every time I go to a doctor I feel it sky rocket before they take it. It doesn't help that I am terrified of doctors appointments anyway. I am seeing a new PCP this week and hoping I can explain the issue to her so that I don't have to explain it every time I see a doctor. It's just so frustrating.

03-10-11, 15:46
Cathy - I have the exact problem. I started having white coat syndrome after I was in a car accident where somebody rear-ended me. I went to the doctor and it was slightly high, but the nurse made a huge deal about it and scared me. Now I know normally when I am not at the doctor my bp is fine, I take it myself, but every time I go to a doctor I feel it sky rocket before they take it. It doesn't help that I am terrified of doctors appointments anyway. I am seeing a new PCP this week and hoping I can explain the issue to her so that I don't have to explain it every time I see a doctor. It's just so frustrating.

Oh my god I just cant believe this swgrl09 what you have just written you would have thought it was me who had written it. that is exactly what happend to me I was on my way to work and this silly doctor believe it or not when right in to the back of me I was waiting at the lights I still suffer with my neck and that was 18 months ago. Anyhow when i got to the hospital the nurse there told me oh you have high bp go see your gp and ofcourse i hate doctors and I discovered I have white coat syndrome. But I hate bp machines full stop lol but I have taken it at home and it has been really low I dont think I need to take my bp pill, it's a very low one and I asked for it lol. because every time I went gp it was up. However my gp told me I can now take it at home. which I will do.

Cathy x

03-10-11, 15:52
oh my god, my accident was about the same amount of time ago as well!! That's crazy how similar our stories are! I still am dealing with my neck too from the whiplash. I've done massage therapy, chiropractor, and accupuncture. Accupuncture helped the most for me! I think I am just going to keep a chart of my BP at home and bring it when I go to the Dr.

03-10-11, 17:13
How funny that is. Yes just do it at home and when they want to know your bp give them the reading. I have had two lots of physio pain killers and excersize but I still get pain might try the acapuncture I have heard good results from that.

Cathy xx

19-04-17, 16:43
hi has anyone had pulsing in ears with high b/p i was at the doctors today because of the pulsing and b/p was 190/90 i am on lecandipine and atenolol but am under a lot of stess also hate going to the doctors thank you for any advice