View Full Version : strange thoughts?

19-05-06, 11:03
can anyone offer me some advise on this. i started taking citalopram 3 days ago and apart from feeling spaced out and really really anxious ive started having strange thoughts too, its hard to explain but i feel really nervous if i see my friend and her baby i get very anxious this has only been over the lasy few days i really do feel i have gone insane i dont know if this is due to the tablets but if it is i dont think i can stay on them

any advise you can give me guys?

19-05-06, 12:14

I believe that this is a side effect of this med however is very short term and should subside after a couple of weeks when you will then begin to feel the benefits, may be worth a quick chat with you doctor to re-assure yourself but please dont worry as believe this is totally normal and just your body adjusting to your medication.

Take Care

Wendy x

19-05-06, 12:37

I felt like this when i started citalopram.

Things should settle down for you when the meds get into your system.

However if i am having an anxious day then i still get these feeling sometimes

love mandie x