View Full Version : In pices need some support, feel like ive had a total break down

29-09-11, 19:49
I suffered from bad anxiety for about 5 years, really bad and health anxiety obsessing over silly phobias

I met effexor which worked great for me I started off at 75 mg and worked up to 150 mg, for about 2 years I lived life as normal, it was a dream amazing, anxiety free almost after suffering for so so long thinking I would never been cured

I fealt anxious last week and upped effexor to 187.5mg

I was drinking beer, lately and abusing pain killers (codeine) and started to take stilnoct, when I didnt really need them, well I have had a total anxiety break down, have been in a heap since Sunday, have been to the GP who sent me to the emergancy room,

I have so much on with work, will probally loose my job now, and have an amazing girl friend which its so difficult to talk even on the phone with her with this anxious feeling,

I have managed to get a bed in a private stress clinic in Ireland, St Pat's

I thought I had bet this anxiety, the gp has me on valium now too which just knocks the crap out of me,

I am so so down I cant believet his has happened again, I really cant.

I have not been in a hospital for anxiety before, so hopefully they cant fix me up quickly but its tuff seeing a light at the end of this tunnel at the moment.

Please say a prayer for Tommy need all the help I can get.

29-09-11, 20:01
Hi Tommy.

I know how you must be feeling. I had a breakdown some years ago and was hospitalised. When I first went in I was scared and so upset that this had happened to me.

But after a few days the new meds really started to help me and I felt so glad that I was getting professional help at last. Since I came out of hospital 8 years ago I have never looked back.

I am sure it will be the same for you. You are getting the help you need. Don't worry about feeling drowsy-your mind needs the rest. You will soon be back on your feet. Take care. I am thinking of you. :hugs:

29-09-11, 22:09
Hi Tommy.

I know how you must be feeling. I had a breakdown some years ago and was hospitalised. When I first went in I was scared and so upset that this had happened to me.

Rain do you mind me asking what hospital you went into , if thats personal forget the quesion, just interested in what people think of Pat's have been reading good things.

But after a few days the new meds really started to help me and I felt so glad that I was getting professional help at last. Since I came out of hospital 8 years ago I have never looked back..

After years of seeing a terapist once a month and being in a heap I think your very right, sometimes you just need to press some different buttons to get sorted, no matter how scarey it is.

"Don't worry about feeling drowsy-your mind needs the rest. "

Thanks for that statement rain that will stay with me and really really help, thank you so much. :bighug1:

It's tuff letting my girl friend of six months seeing me like this but shes tuff she will hang in there. The poor darling, have been spending almost every second day seeing her, and now its tuff to even talk on the phone, I think she understands.

29-09-11, 23:10
I looked up your hospital, they do have an anxiety treatment program, plus after care plus CBT therapy!
Seems like a nice place to go :)

30-09-11, 00:14
Hey... im new here and we've never met/spoke but just wanted to let you know i thinking of you and not just 'read and run...'

hope you start to feel better soon... try and get some sleep

02-10-11, 16:12
Well got into the private clinic , have my notebook in the bed at the moment, and have met 2 doctors so far which is pretty impressive for a Sunday, they are getting me off the pain killers, and I am going to see the Psyc doc tomorrow

The Valium the doc gave me has me pretty relaxed so hopefully I can recover much much quicker with their help and the meds this time!


02-10-11, 18:41
good luck and speedy recovery mate. hope you get back on your feet soon. try not to think to much about your job as you and the people you love are the most important thing just now and your health and well being are priority long before any thing else.

just take some time out to your self and get the care that you need. by the sounds of it mate, you deserve it


03-10-11, 00:55
It's nice to know Ireland has a proper mental health unit that treats anxiety.
Are you with any other people with other mental disorders?

The mental health ward in my town, is just awful, it often has people with such bad mental issues they need 24 hour security! Also it's used as a rehab to house the drug users and alcoholics some of which I know to be very dangerous people.
So no matter how bad I got I would never admit myself there.
So again it's nice to know there's a proper place I could go if I ever needed to.

You say it's private, whats the cost like or does VHI cover it?
Sometimes I think a place like that could be good, to get away from everything and to be 100% focused on getting better with all the help from the professionals.

I am gad you went there, it's rather brave I think :) I hope it helps x

03-10-11, 18:06
I'm so sorry you're going through this.

You might want to check out the book 'Stop Thinking, Start Living'. It REALLY helped me.

Note all the little thing you can do for yourself to make you feel just the tiniest bit better. A certain snack? A magazine you like? A TV programme? A song? Anything. Look at what you can do in the little details of your life.
