View Full Version : just some questions

evil monkey
29-09-11, 21:00
would appreciate views.

Do any guys think that if things are going badly, it's because theyve made a deliberate bad decision, or its a reflection on what theyve done
Or for women, if things are going badly, it's because bad things out of their control have happened to them that they havent been able to deal with and its got too much for them

Do women feel like they are battling themselves, and are looking for support.
("I'm trying to do this, thanks for the help".)
Whereas guys are fairly comfortable with themselves, are battling the rest of the world ?
("Ive done this, and if you are going to try to prevent me, sod off")

Also just wondering if the "it will happen" more applies more to women than men ? I wonder if guys think things will only happen for them if they make it happen, its not something thats just going to happen if they wait. (So better than "it will happen", is "good luck")