View Full Version : Skipped Heart Beats

29-09-11, 21:56
So here's my story, even though it probably was already addressed.

I'm a male, 25 years young and in pretty good shape. I'm also currently serving in the military and have been for seven years now. Like everyone here, I've developed anxiety over my health. It all started 3 years after enlisting. Anyways, lately I've been feeling these skipped heart beats. It's kind of scary for me because I just think the worse. I'm pretty sure its anxiety because its always worse when I start paying more attention to it. I've been to the ER about 4 times because I thought I was having a heart attack and everything came back fine. I've had EKG's, Echocardiograms and Chest X-ray's done on me with negative findings. The only thing that I haven't had done was a 24 hour heart monitor test.

Should I be worried? Is this test absolutely necessary that I should go see my doctor and demand it?

My biggest fear and finding something wrong with me and then I won't be fit for duty!

29-09-11, 22:57
Sounds like anxiety to me. If there was something wrong, the tests you have had would have shown it up. Also you wouldn't be able to manage the physical aspect of your job if there was a problem with your heart.

30-09-11, 01:57
No, I don't think it's necessary to have the 24hour monitor to rule out a heart problem. I'm not a doctor or anything but I've spoken to dozens of cardiologists due to my heart anxiety which was really bad at one point, but is under control now (thank God). I get skipped beats every day. Sometimes just 1 or 2 and other days I get countless amounts of them. But remember, you had an Echocardiogram which would have shown a structural problem with your heart and obviously your heart is fit and sound, so skipped beats woun't cause you any problems. They are only a risk in people with severely scarred/damaged hearts so you are just fine.

You just need to somehow convince yourself that anxiety alone is causing you these symptoms and not your heart, and that is the hard part. CBT helps with this and understanding how anxiety can cause these symptoms too. Have a look at the symptoms page on here, it's very helpful. :)

30-09-11, 08:07
Thanks guys! It makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one but I'm sure you all can relate how the feeling can make you think crazy thoughts!

30-09-11, 08:17
its normal for us with anxiety i sometimes have palps then racing heartbeat. when im well they go away and only come back when im anxious. dont worry and try to divert yourself, cut back on caffeine too that might help