View Full Version : Has this really been beaten???

29-09-11, 21:58
Hi, im looking to find out if anyone has truly ridden themselves of anxiety, is it really possible? I was starting to believe that i’d finally beaten this but really it never left me I just compared my current anxiety levels to how bad i was before, if you follow me :huh:
My realisation is that once you know what anxiety feels like it will never truly leaves you. Something like witnessing something really bad, so terrible that it haunts you forever. You can learn to live with it but that memory will always be with you.
So I ask the people that have truly beaten anxiety, are you really your care free self again or are you just better than before?


29-09-11, 22:04
I bet it with effexor for over 2 years, just came back Sunday real bad, but yes it can be beaten, although theres many routes to recovery I believe, if your on the same route and its not working, might be an idea to check another pathway to recovery no matter how scarey it is.

But I suffered for about 5 years before my 2 year break i never thought it would go for such a long period, I have a taste for life now and want it back!

01-10-11, 19:03
Your like me. Beaten it, but it returns.. So I guess it depends how you look at it. I would consider it beaten. You got your life back, and have had good days with no anxiety. Something that seems far away when you have anxiety.

I consider myself able to beat anxiety (mostly). And if it does come back, I rate it very low on the anxiety scale compared to how I have felt before. I guess it depends on how often and how bad it is when it returns. For me it is rare and manageable.

If you went 1 year without anxiety but got it for 1 day only, I'm sure everyone would take that. It's always going to surface when there is reason for it. It's a part of life.

01-10-11, 21:32
I think I can truthfully say I no longer have any anxiety full stop, I have suffered badly for long periods since 1996, the last 3 years have been anxiety free and I do not allow any situation to take me back to the dark days of which there were many.

Medication didn't do much for me and I tried about 6 different anti-depressants, some made me worse or the side effects were too bad for me to tolerate.

I've come to the conclusion that its having the anxiety experience to such a serious degree so many times that eventually I have become immune.

I had a letter today which should have thrown me into a panic...deep depression and severe anxiety...It hasn't...its just fired me up and I feel stronger...


01-10-11, 22:33
It can be done - i haven't done it yet but I am for sure coming out of it. A year a go I couldn't go to school...now I am at college =) Never in a million years did I think that me (the worlds worst panicker) could be doing college :D

It'll come in its own time , just sit back and ride it out, I am :)
