View Full Version : Anxiety & smoking

19-05-06, 11:11
Does anyone here smoke i know dirty unhealthy habbit, but i smoke and want to give up, but i tend to turn to a fag when i feel ok and when im having a attack i cant smoke them strange, has anyone gave up whilst suffering from Anxiety.


19-05-06, 12:07
I am the other way round!
When i am stressing or panicing its the first thing i want to do
is smoke........i gave up ages ago but in the last 8 months with this anxiety it is just getting worse, and then i worry about that coz i think i am gonna kill myself.....horrible vicious circle!

Hay x

19-05-06, 12:23
hi i am a smoker i have tried giving up i smoke more when i feel panicy and upset they don't do anything to help me its just a bad habbit i can go a few hours and not have a smoke but when i start to feel panicy i smoke more it doesn't help me because i don't go out so i am stuck in the house i could do with giving them up because we need the money my husband doesn't smoke and my teenage daughter is always wanting me to stop i just don't seem to have the will power to do it marg

Ma Larkin
19-05-06, 13:18
I smoke loads at night & weekends. I'm not too bad through the day when I'm at work. It really scares me because I'm 40 this year & smoke & drink far too much, & I've really started to worry about my heart, although I don't seem to be doing anything about it. I tried the Nicorette gum but its bloody awful! I was told by someone that you shouldn't wear nicotine patches when you are on medication, don't know whether that's true or not. If its not, I might give them a go.


19-05-06, 14:16
hi #
im like yopu when feeling anxiety cant smoke feel to sick.. many times i thought give up woman! i can go days without one but as soon as i feel better i need one ..strange eh? xxxx

jools xx

19-05-06, 14:43
hi to be honest i really do want to give up but im afraid my anxiety will get worse cause i read that in the linden method!!so dont really want to yet!have you tried to just cut down.maybe that might help!who knows we can but try !!!take care rachel x

19-05-06, 15:21
When I first started having my panic attacks, everytime I would smoke it would bring another one on. Right when I took my first draw my heart would start racing again, then I would panic more.

Smokes are not depresants they are actually stimulatnts. I finally just stopped smoking because I was sick of everytime I did it I would put myself into panic.

It was very hard, and every once in a while (since I feel better now) I get a craving for one, but ignore it, and it passes.

Hope this helps.

19-05-06, 17:39
i smoke. tried stopping, never could! i have a book, andy carr's easy way for women, {read the reviews on amazon.co.uk} just read the book and uve stopped!! no withdrawls, no confidance loss etc{wish there was one for anxiety!} But i havent read it yet, ive been told not to quit at the moment as im in therapy and apparently its too much to take on psycologically {spelt wrong!}
Any ways, give the book a try if you like, and if it works, let us know!! i think its also cheaper on ebay, i know it as cheaper that 20 cigerettes when i bought it!
Becci x xx

26-05-06, 17:01
Hi pilly
I gave up smoking about 2 months ago now (using the patches) I felt so good when i stopped! So elated! Started exercising, eating healthier, stopped drinking so much. Admittedly i wanted to lose a stone in weight too. For the first month i felt on top of the world to be honest but the last week or so has been a nightmare. The health anxiety is back with gusto! But i still dont put it down to the giving up smoking, i put that down to the fact i am annoyed at having not lost any weight with this dieting malarky & letting it get to me, thus triggering my anxiety off again. Part of me is tempted to start smoking again, to kick start the weight loss, but mostly i think ive come too far now to start again & smoking really made me worry about my health more, So even though im having a turmoil week with the anxiety, i still say give up smoking girl. I still believe that was one of the best things i did! Its ONE less thing to worry about :)

26-05-06, 17:08
Hi yes I smoke - not a great deal but just enough to find it difficult to give up. Am slowly making some very small life changes (ie. cutting out caffeine, cutting down on alcohol, exercising etc) but just seems too much to ask of myself just at this moment in time. xx