View Full Version : Feel Low

19-05-06, 11:48
Every so often with this anxiety I feel like everythings on top of me and I get upset.

I'm feeling like that today. I feel fed up of mostly feeling unwell, whether it be shaky and nervy, tension headaches or like the past few nights where i've felt sick and dizzy.

I'm also fed up of been hungry and not fancying any of the food we have. Or having food and struggling to eat it because of the tension in my throat, and discomfort in my stomach.

An i'm also feeling upset because I have a psycology appointment on Tuesday and I just don't feel ready for it. I have trouble walking a few doors down on my street, but can go 2 miles away in the car. But once i'm at the clinic it's hard for me to walk far. Yesterday I went on a practise run and managed a few steps but I still haven't managed to get to the door of the clinic.

And for Tuesday's appointment i've got to be able to get into the building, sit in a room with someone i've never met before, talk about difficult things and the appointment normally goes on for an hour. I just don't know how i'll do it when i'm still not able to get through the door of the building.

Thank you for reading,


19-05-06, 11:59
Ah Heather, Sorry you are not feeling too good today, I've just started eating again after being exactly the same. We all have bad days but there are good days too and hust keep remebering those and that 'this too will pass'. Don't think about next week, just one day at a time, one hour at a time of you have to and give yourself some treats in the day. Your in my thoughts and prayers
take care


'This too will pass'

19-05-06, 12:03
Hi Heather

I get like you when my anxiety is bad. At the moment i am upset i've had to have my 4yr old sausage dog put to sleep she had a growth on her uterus and i am devastated over it she was like a child.

I am worried now my anxiety is going to come back bcause i am so down.

linda xx

19-05-06, 14:47
Hi just to tell you i too feel the same there is often days when all i want to do is curl up in a ball on the settee beacause i
feel so unwell and tired...usually to be dragged off by my kids or partner...in a way i know they keep me going.I too have had the stomach discomfort and lost too much weight because of just having a general lack of appetite...im not too bad now.
As for feeling shaky and nervous this is how i feel whenever i go anywhere or just when my anxiety is high...its hard but you will be fine just keep positive(if only i listened to my own advice)....take care:)

19-05-06, 14:55
Hi Heather

Sorry you are not feeling too good at the moment. Sometimes it all feels too much for a while before we can push forward again. Stress about Tuesday is probably not helping.

Do you have someone to go with you to the appointment? Would that help?


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

19-05-06, 20:37
Thank you everyone for your replies, you've really helped. :)

Although I still have the appointment in the back of my mind, I'm trying to keep positive.

Karen, someone is taking me to the appointment. And Linda I'm really sorry to hear about your dog.

Thanks again for all your replies,
Take care,


19-05-06, 21:07
Hi Heather

Sorry you are feeling low, you have been doing great lately, i have been reading all your posts and i am so proud of you! Heather try not to worry about you appointment on Tuesday i am sure you will be fine, worrying about it all wont help you.Try and focus on the positive things you have done, i think its great how you managed to get in the car and go 2 miles. I also visit the pyscologist next wednesday and dont look forward to going but the last twice i have been i was real proud that i managed the trip there and it gave me a real boost that i did it. I am sure you will be fine Heather.

Take care Hugs to you Heather !!

Love Andrea

20-05-06, 15:39
Thank you Andrea, I will try not to worry, it's so hard to not think about it. I will try distract myself and stay positive.

Thank you,

Take care,
