View Full Version : Have I got some sort of chest infection?

30-09-11, 13:58
Or is it still this flu/cold?
It started Monday night, I felt that sore throat feeling but couldn't do much as I was in work all night. After I slept I felt I had a cold, by Wednesday I felt like I had full on flu (hot, achy, off food, bunged up etc.)

I don't feel as bad now just sat around but I have the most awful cough, my belly hurts so much now from it and I can't cope coughing anymore! I'm still bunged up and if I move around I feel like I have zero energy, it's tough just moving about as I get out of breath really easily as well, like just going upstairs it sounds like I've run up, not walked slowly. Sometimes I feel abit breathless after coughing.
Sorry if this is abit too much info, but my phlem looks abit off colour as well, it seemed to have a green tinge in the light before :shrug:
I think I might ring and speak to a doctor later as I can't get there today. Work just text asking if I'll be in Sunday though, I hate taking time off as they always crack down on sickness and my records awful due to my depression, but as I feel right now I don't feel I'd be able to manage a 10 hour shift if I can't even go to the shop without feeling like I'm about to collapse :huh:

Any advice?

30-09-11, 15:28
Hey there, are we talking this week Wednesday that the flu thing surfaced? A virus typically lasts 3-5 days, and can make you feel rubbish for quiet a bit longer than that.
It sounds like you are still going through it, and coughing up phlegm is a part of that.
Like you said, it's a good idea to ring your doctor if you are unsure about your chest. But I think coughs often happen as a later part of the virus.
I wouldn't advise thinking of work until you are feeling better. You really need to just rest your body and drink lots of fluids. And when you can eat, eat lots of nutritious food and fruit and veg and build yourself up. Flu viruses can really take it out of you!

Hope you feel much better asap! Take care =)

30-09-11, 18:44
Ya there's a cold going around.
I got it but was only bad for maybe 3 days, fever, aches and pains, chest pain, chest tightness and a cough.
From looking at facebook seems almost everyone is getting it x

paula lynne
30-09-11, 20:28
Voiletwings gave some great advice there.
As the phlegm is tinged green, it does suggest a chest infection. You really need to see your Gp to decide the appropriate course of action. If you suffer with asthma or similar problem, I would urge you to go as soon as you can. Im sure you will be feeling better soon, take good care of yourself x
Paula x

01-10-11, 20:47
Thanks for the advice :)
I'm still suffering abit, cough's still really quite bad, hurts to cough and it's got to the point where it's so deep in my chest (does that make sense?) that I can't seem to cough it up properly. I'm still suffering a lack of energy too.

I don't know what to do about work though, part of me just doesn't want to go because it's work, it's a long, late shift tomorrow but at the same time I definitely don't feel 100%. Argh, I think it's partly anxiety really, I like being at home and doing house wifey style things while my boyfriend's at work. Maybe I should of been born in the 1950's? :winks:

06-10-11, 00:59
I've been ill for 6 days now with a bad chest, sore throat, headache, earache, sinusitis and feel generally weak and useless. Haven't done nowt all week.