View Full Version : hitting you head against a wall

30-09-11, 17:50
been signed of from the doctor as a result of my chronic anxiety which has now been roaring for about a month. was sum mend for a meeting today with some company directors. cant say they weren't supporting but we must have spent at least half the time discussing the fact that if i were to get a hobby then everything would get better. i almost felt embarrassed when i left. felt like they really thought it was that easy and i was simply being neurotic. do people really think that if you kick a football a few times then you will wake up in the morning without an anxiety disorder. i agree that doing something you enjoy is good for the soul , but this is 2011 and the work place is still stuck firmly in the past

30-09-11, 17:59
Ahhh, I sympathise.

What a ridiculous view to have and I am not surprised that you have come away feeling frustrated. Try to realise it's their problem, not yours and you need to relax and not worry about work to give yourself time to heal.

I am lucky - I spoke to my very understanding boss yesterday who said do not even think about work and take as long as you like. Text me if you fancy meeting up for a coffee and a chat. But sadly, even in this day and age - I know that I am in the minority with an understanding boss.

It really is ridiculous and they should make it their business to be more aware and learn more.

30-09-11, 18:32
Aw I had to laugh get a hobby lol, reminds me of this 70 year old doctor who said the same thing to me a week before he retired.