View Full Version : Is it normal to feel THIS exhausted?? It's debilitating!

30-09-11, 19:24
It feels like my body is working so hard, I keep feeling the need to just lie down. The last week or so I have hardly gotten outside my front door (I don't work currently), only managed to get a few paces down the road and back, and today and didn't even feel able to do that (don't think the heat helped!)
I just feel so exhausted, it's almost like you may pass out sort of feeling. I did just get over a cold before I got like this, but it's debilitating! Is this really normal for after a cold, or perhaps anxiety is in there too??

Thank you to anyone who replies.

30-09-11, 22:23
i feel like this all the time too i think its the anxiety dpleteing us of all our energy ... i feel like i could sleep all the time x

30-09-11, 23:22
I pretty much feel tired all the time, but I could sleep for days and still lack energy,
actually getting out and doing stuff does seem to give me a bit more energy.
Anxiety does tire you out and depression can suck up all your energy and motivation.

eternally optimistic
01-10-11, 14:02

Assuming you havent had a virus etc etc, I would be pretty sure that you lack of energy is due to the stress taking over your body and giving you a hard time.

I had been like these for probably way in excess of 10 years and it wasnt until I had a breakdown and realised I was suffering anxiety that my doc put me on citalopram.
It was about 6 months in from taking these, and I didnt take them for the tiredness and exhaustion, although related, that I woke one day and realised I was feeling good, not so knackered and feeling so unwell to do anything other that coping with today. It was a lovely feeling.

I have had to return to the tabs within the last 9 months but am nowhere like I was physically exhausted before. Some days, when I make a point to chill when the house is empty I lie on the bed with a book and think, god I feel so relaxed, it is such a nice feeling. I could do with it happening more often though LOL.

I hope you find a way to relax and get yourself together.

best wishes . .. .

01-10-11, 18:08
Thanks for your answers all of you.
In answer to mishel, I know the exercise thing should help in theory, but right now I can barely handle a walk down the road, I can feel every movement I make in my chest! But I did have a virus a couple weeks ago, so I trust I'll get over this time soon.

01-10-11, 20:35
i feel like this too i could sleep and sleep and still feel exhausted all the time ... i think the worrying really saps energy ... try just going for a walk at least everyday i find this helps

04-10-11, 12:07
I am exhausted too. I feel so ill, I'm sure alot of it is sheer anxiety, the other day I was standing at the sink and I just bent over, left everything and had to lie down. I don't work either. I feel guilty cos my partner works and feel like I should be doing everything in the house to make up for the fact I am not working. Sometimes I think I am my own worst enemy, forcing myself on. I am overweight too - this could be a major cause. Today I am so exhausted I haven't even put my make up on (never ever had a day in my life when I haven't done my make up - not even in hospital!). Going to try do it now......then the washing up, tidying up, washing clothes, cleaning kitchen, shopping........urghhhhhh, it's all too much. I feel ill. You are not the only one, good to know I am not the only one too! :wacko:

04-10-11, 17:28
I am exhausted too. I feel so ill, I'm sure alot of it is sheer anxiety, the other day I was standing at the sink and I just bent over, left everything and had to lie down. I don't work either. I feel guilty cos my partner works and feel like I should be doing everything in the house to make up for the fact I am not working. Sometimes I think I am my own worst enemy, forcing myself on. I am overweight too - this could be a major cause. Today I am so exhausted I haven't even put my make up on (never ever had a day in my life when I haven't done my make up - not even in hospital!). Going to try do it now......then the washing up, tidying up, washing clothes, cleaning kitchen, shopping........urghhhhhh, it's all too much. I feel ill. You are not the only one, good to know I am not the only one too! :wacko:

Aw bless you! It's absolutely horrible to feel exhausted. I know how you feel you should be doing things, but doing what you can is the most you can do, don't beat yourself up. Ooh I've been very lax on the makeup front just lately, -definately a sign of exhaustion!
Thanks for your reply and yeah it's definitely good to know we're not alone.

04-10-11, 18:07
I would say pay your doctor a visit, not because it could be something bad, but you might be a bit low on something like iron or Vitimin C and they may give you a blood test and offer some supplemements if you are a little deficient in something. I'm sure its anxiety but I was tested when I had anxiety badly and was shown as very low on iron.
I think it might be worth mentioning it to them :)