View Full Version : Shaky and trembling fingers

30-09-11, 19:50
I have chronic anxiety and panic attacks have done for 5 years, I am not on medication.
I have started to get painful joints in fingers and shaking and trembling in the fingers also burning sensation in arm muscles I am so scared is this anxiety ???
I have been to the Doctors who wants me to have a blood test to rule thyroid out which I know it isnt.
Other than that he didnt seen too concerned.
I worry constantly and this is a new symptom I cant cope with.
Also, get th twitches in my hand.

30-09-11, 21:31
does it only happen when you are nervous?
My hands and my neck shake really bad, it's always worse when I m nervous.
Also some medications can make you shake, but I found it feels different as in I could tell it was caused by the medication.

New symptoms always scare me too

01-10-11, 09:10
Its starts about 15 mins after I wake and lasts all day long, mainly in the left hand they just tremble and when I have a panic they are all over the place.
I am always on edge ready to blow at any time and I am always scared of everything.
I am not on any meds and never have been but I am thinking its time...
Just really scared of side effects.
I have twitching fingers and hand muscles too which feels weird...