View Full Version : general question about cramp

30-09-11, 21:31
Does anyone else get cramp regularly? I suffer from quite agonising cramp in my calves and feet, and also recently in my ankles and thighs. Usually it isn't that much of a problem as I now jump up onto my feet and stomp round for a while until it passes, but yesterday was frightening as it felt like every muscle in my right leg cramped while I was surfing, up to my chest in water with 6ft waves braking overhead and strong rip currents dragging at my feet. I had to swim to the shore using one hand and foot while holding my board then limp to a rock, where I sat for over an hour in agony waiting for it to pass.

Anything I can do to alleviate the pain, or even prevent it happening again? (especially where there is a risk of me drowning!)


30-09-11, 21:44
Cramp is a horrible feeling, there are exercises you can do, please check internet for them they have really helped my son.
Do not worry they do get better xxxxxxxxxx

30-09-11, 23:24
I would get it check out by a doctor and ask for blood tests, some nutritional deficiencies can cause bad cramps.

01-10-11, 00:11
I've never been bothered about it until yesterday because it put me in quite a dangerous situation. I'll have a google tomorrow and read up about it


01-10-11, 12:01
Hi there, i don't know if this is causing yours, but i get horrible cramp in my lower legs and feet when i'm dehydrated. Maybe with the high temperatures this week you maybe haven't kept hydrated enough.
Just a suggestion, hope it helps!!

-Jenni x

01-10-11, 13:31
I get awful bad cramps in my feet that go up my calves into my thigh. It's odd cause I haven't had one for ages (no doubt I'll get one later!). I've been taking a multi vitamin and drinking loads of water and I think this has helped me along with not wearing stupid uncomfy shoes for work lol. I hate cramp. It knocks me sick when I do get it and I seem to have a run of it then nothing for ages so I do wonder if being run down contributes to it.

01-10-11, 21:19
I get them loads in my toes and feet, usually whilst asleep. I've learnt to press down on them without even really waking up now. But I can get them quite badly in my thigh area when I stretch there abit funny, like when I'm having sex :blush: which is quite mood killing 'oo err, just a minute darling..' :unsure:
I've heard too it's some definicency thing, no idea why I'm thinking bananas and potassium? Maybe that's something else. Still, they are such a pain.

06-10-11, 00:51
I drink a lot of water, as well as natural fruit juices and eat a (semi) balanced diet so I shouldn't really have any vitamin deficiencies. I'l read more about it and maybe see a pharmacist.
