View Full Version : Is my panic attack association normal?

01-10-11, 05:43
My panics attacks and anxiety seem to attach themselves to particular places, buildings and experiences... it all seems very strange to me but logical too. I had problems with some people in a particular building and for a long time (over two years) panic attacks came on when passing it or seeing it (it can still cause me problems even now). I also find that when I am unwell I cannot be in crowded places or use public transport or even walk down my own street in fact I’ve done this less than ten times since 2006. However at these times I can often make it to the car as this is a very quick process – getting from my front door to the safety of the car’s enclosure. I can also walk round in places where I do not live, so traveling miles away can often allow me the freedom to go out where as without the car as a safety net I’d be stuck at home. I also do not go out alone, I never go anywhere without another person at my side. Do other people feel this way? Do other people associate places or areas with their panic attacks? Do these places bring on panic attacks? I just feel that sometimes my panic and anxiety and its ‘connection’ to such things might not be normal... is it?

01-10-11, 08:56
Hi Liquidcrimson,

I have just read your post and I can relate to a lot of what you have written.

Getting panicky when passing certain buildings, places, walking down the street,crowded places. I don't actually get panic attacks as such - just the panicky/dread feeling when your heart beats faster and you get all hot and red.
Also when you say you can get to the car, drive miles away and walk around where you do not live -thats like me aswell! I can go out on my own though as I do go to work.


01-10-11, 09:22
Everything you describe is " normal" for me..it's all part of anxieties rich tapestry!! I had my first big panic attack in the hairdressers and even if I'm feeling ok I can't go to .the hairdressers without someone with me..because I associate it with panic.

03-10-11, 15:36
Yes, it seems to be normal.. I find there are two places that seem to coincide with my anxiety. They are sitting at my desk at work, and sitting at my desk at home.

It's only very recent, but it's causing me all sorts of problems with anxiety. Even now, sat at my desk in work, i'm not feeling too good! I just got back from two wonderful, stress free, panic free weeks in Florida. Then I come back to work and it all starts again :(

Best of luck with everything :)
