View Full Version : morning anxiety

01-10-11, 07:18
morning everybody. just a very quick question. why is it that even if i go to my bed feel good and positive, i always wake up in the morning feeling very anxious?, sometimes feels like ground hog day. any advice please?

01-10-11, 08:53
Hi andy
I don't know the answer..but I do know I'm exactly the same,and so are lots of other people. I wake up every morning shaky and anxious,having gone to bed relaxed and chilled. Groundhog day is a brilliant way to describe it!! Annoying isn't it.
Is it cos our defences are down when we wake up..I find I get better as the day goes on and am usually ok in the evenings.
I'd like to know why too!!

01-10-11, 09:01
it sure is annoying. most people start of with a bowl of cearel in the morning. not me i prefer a good old shake with a sprinkle of anxiety and a clammy sweaty feeling all over. mmmmmmmmmmmm.

have read somewhere thats it is to do with chemicales in the old brain but that doesnt make it less annoying

01-10-11, 09:14
I'll add to that list adrenaline rushes and being sick..plus waking up tooooo early. We should be incredibly fit given that we run this anxiety marathon every day!!

01-10-11, 09:31
yeah your spot on mate. when you consider the things we go through every day just to get by then we should be like super human. maybe need to think of a super human name to call my self. self pitty man or super moan.

01-10-11, 10:05
My anxiety (and panic) is way worse in the mornings, I wake up at 4.30ish every day and immediately feel on edge and sick.

Sometimes I can recover by mid afternoon, other times it lasts until I go to bed. It really isn't fun feeling sick and panicky all day, but I especially hate the mornings.

01-10-11, 10:08
i had a all day long one yesterday mate. really had to force my self through it. started new meds on monday so that doesnt help (yet). how are you feeling today?

01-10-11, 10:58
It does help tho to know you're not the one! 4.30 is my average wake up time as well,which is awful cos I'm going to work
Final rant..it would be good to be seeing a doc or a therapist who has lived with anxiety!!That's why this site is so helpful

My super hero name..vom girl!!


01-10-11, 11:23
Hi, new here and I just woke up with shakes and racing heart! I was so happy to have slept through the night and then bam......

I am on Zoloft, beta blocker, and Ativan as needed. I am really want to stop taking the Ativan. It has been 3 months, I never take more then .25 a day, but I just want the Zoloft to do it's thing! My doc wants me to switch to Lexapro cuz she thinks the Zoloft is not working. Been on it since June and still have lots of side effects. Sorry for the long post, guess this is a good distraction to not pay attention to the bullshit running through my head and body!!!

Hope everyone's day gets better:)

01-10-11, 11:36
I have the same but it normally builds at work as well but after I have come home had lunch the afternoons are normally fine. It seems to be a build up to the peak of the mountain and lunch break is going down the other side.

01-10-11, 11:45
It is hard to feel that way at work! I am a part time teacher and it is really difficult some days to focus on the students and not what's going on in my head! I usually feel better as the day goes on, but anxiety comes at night cuz I worry about getting sleep!

01-10-11, 11:46
I goto a group of about 10 people of which about 7 or ex teachers it is run by an ex-teacher.

01-10-11, 11:56
So funny, I will mention that to the next person who tells me that teaching is such an easy job;) Its great that you go to a group, do you find that helps? I see a therapist once a week, but wonder if A group setting might help?

01-10-11, 12:10
It's once a month and isn't a "Sit and chat about anxiety" group we do chat about it but do other things like go on visits to local places like a garden centre etc.

01-10-11, 12:18
That sounds nice, its always good to get out and do things. Well I am off to get kiddos some breakfast! Nice chatting with you. Have a great day!