View Full Version : the x factor

01-10-11, 15:57
so here is the situation!!!!!

every wknd my in-laws come round to my house for a couple(maybe slightly more than a couple) of drinks and watch the x factor.
now as you can tell, there are at least 2 reasons there that make drink essential.
my problem is that i started taking citalopram on monday for the first time and have never tried it with alcohol.
i am one of those people that drank moderately every night but have really tried to behave this week:mad:

any advice on how these two things mix. please don't make me watch the x factor sober

01-10-11, 16:23
Hi Andy,I was on citalopram for 7 years and found I was able to drink whilst taking it without any adverse effects.However,we are all different and may have different reactions when taking the drug with alcohol.You can only really know by trying a drink.Can I ask...are you a regular drinker?I'm only asking cos if you are then your body will have a greater tolerance towards it.

I certainly understand the situation where you feel obliged to have a drink cos other people are.Or is there an element of social anxiety that makes you reach for a drink in social situations?If so then join the club lol.I'm having a drink tomorrow cos I've got to go to a Christening,for me its either a drink and go or not go.Anyway,good luck mate

Andy (too!!)

PS....I'm currently on seroxat 40mg and find I'm ok with alcohol.

01-10-11, 19:47
Andy watching xfactor myself here

I would strongly advise mixing the drink with any Anti Depressant so early into it, give it at least a month to be in your blood stream , cos if the drink knocks it out so early when its not built up, you will think the med is not working

Try your very best avoid it mate if at all possible, just for a little bit.

william wallace
01-10-11, 20:04
I've been taking Citalopram for 6 weeks now, 20mg for the first 4 weeks then increased to 30. When the anx/fear/restless legs/grinding teeth was really bad, I would have a couple of beers and a couple of malts before bed. I hate to say this, and I will likely be chastised for it, but it could almost bring me to my normal self, (almost) Not trying to encourage anyone to drink while on meds you understand, but it worked for me. It did'nt make me aggressive, or cause me to grow an extra head, it did have a calming effect:)

01-10-11, 22:56
just try one glass of wine with it!

03-10-11, 09:06
To deviate from the original post slightly, I have found watching the X Factor to be a blessing at the relief of Constipation!