View Full Version : Time of month /trembling / heart pounding feeling

01-10-11, 16:34
my time of month came yesterday and the day before that i felt all anxious and horrible and today i woke up little anxious had some toast then this afternoon i just feel weird what i mean is i feel am on edge but i also feel as if my heart is pounding only my heart isn't pounding if you feel my chest its fine but why do i feel this way ?

01-10-11, 18:41
I feel for you...I get the exact same way when it's my time of the month. Every anxiety symptom and sensation is magnified and it can really bring me down. Try to take extra care of yourself for the several days...drink calming teas like chamomile, go for some walks, take a long soak in the tub. I know it's hard to do when we feel on edge but it really does help. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I do know how you feel. xx:hugs:

01-10-11, 21:37
I used to be like that as well plus I had the lightheaded faint feeling a few days before my monthly. In the end I used a natural progesterone cream for 6 months and that seemed to solve it. Or check in your local health shop for herbs that might help balance your hormones. Take care

01-10-11, 22:35
I've just come on. A few days before I am on I get the worse anxiety ever. I get hot flushes , i shake, i feel jittery , then I come on , and i feel better :S

Women are strange creatures haha. Just before u r due on , it is very normal to have raised stress levels and anxiety because it's your hormones getting ready.

Stay strong hun xxx