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View Full Version : Sore breasts after coming off the pill?

01-10-11, 16:52
Okay so last month I stopped taking my pill, on Tuesday my breasts were pretty sore to touch but then I got a light "flow" a couple of hours later.
My boobs were still sore through the day but eased off a lot.
The next day I woke up with period cramps, really bad period cramps like I had before I was on the pill and my flow was heavier like normal.
My period is still pretty much the same, other than today I've got a pain in my left breast a bit :blush:
It's not constant but it's pretty annoying/worrying.
My boyfriend was "fondling" my breasts yesterday so maybe that has something to do with it?
I'm also feeling them as well testing whether it hurts when I touch them or not (it doesn't I don't think).
What is this?
Is it the fact i've come off the pill? Or something else?

01-10-11, 23:48
Hi there, yes it is more than likely from stopping the pill, its all about hormones, I suffered the same when I stopped the contraceptive pill, I had aches and pains, lumps and bumps that I never knew I had! U need to let ur body sort itself out and it will calm down in time. Its always good to self check ur breasts anyway, I do this as part of a monthly routine check. I dont think there is anything sinister going on here. By all means if u are worried see ur GP :)

02-10-11, 12:47
Thanks :)
Did you get any other symptoms?
Like nausea,dizzyness and tiredness?
I'm a bit confused really, me and my boyfriend did have sex but we used a condom and everything was fine there so there's the slimmest of slim chances I could be pregnant. But it's very weird and very worrying, and the strange thing is the symptoms started the same day my period did! I know it can't be implantation bleeding as it was too heavy and too long i.e like my normal period lol.