View Full Version : words of encouragement

01-10-11, 19:51
have had anxiety from hell this last 4 hours and i am deeply depressed. such a feeling of hopelessness. how am i ever going to beat this thing. so desperate to be rid of this demons..

whats the point of fighting

01-10-11, 19:56
Don't give up. Do you take anything for the anxiety? Where are you? Can you do something to distract yourself, some deep breathing and self talk? These are all things that help me a little. I know it is so hard, but we have to fight for the good days because they are so worth it when we have them. I too have had panic off and on, I am just trying to focus on the good hours and distract myself when the bad hours come. I am actually switching meds to see if that helps. Hang in there Andy.

01-10-11, 22:34
Hun here's what I'd do...distract yourself.

go for a jog, make yourself a cup of hot water (don't drink tea or coffee as caffeine makes anxiety and panic attacks worse) read a book or article from a magazine or online.

Just distract yourself it really helps


02-10-11, 10:36
thanks guys for been there. had a wee bit of a rough patch there but live to fight another day. anxiety can rob you of hope in a heart beat but friends can restore hope

thanks again