View Full Version : Improving...

01-10-11, 21:47
Hey guys,

So, progress is being made! I'm finally bk 2 work on 9th October. I had a meeting with my manager other day and met my new Duty Assistant manager. She seems nice. My manager was thrilled to see me, she said I looked upbeat, amazing and brown LOL. She's so impressed with my new attitude towards life and work etc. Said I'd make her smile/laugh for the first time on that day :D what an achievement for a boss eh??!! Lol. I seemed 2 have battled my way through several things...

My job, I also went for a test at my local clinic for a check up for Chlyamidia (get results in 2-3 weeks) So that'll be another thing off my mind. Also I've spoken to DSS about my follow up money as after several months etc work can't pay me so Social Security have to pay me so that's nearly sorted to back pay me. I've deleted dating site so thats another big thing off my mind. My dreams are coming bk 2 normal so mean im less of a nutter than b4 LOL!

I'm so pleased lifes coming together. Im single and happy too, no need to worry about men I can just enjoy my life and enjoy going bk 2 work (hopefully!!)

I feel ive become much more positive and my confidence is slowly shining bk through....

:) :D


01-10-11, 22:31
Well done =) You have given me some hope that it can be done!

Big hugs and good luck with your job and future =)

Hannah x