View Full Version : what to do??

19-05-06, 13:18
Hi all xx it's been a while since iv posted but iv been floating around reading posts xx
Hope everyone is ok xx

Just to update since my last post I now find I can cope with my panic attacks better than I used to, although I still have my setbacks now and then.
I can go out of the house on my own to walk my dog without having a panic attack (which is a major improvement)
I have been going out shopping with my partner quite abit without having a single panic attack even when its busy which is another improvement.

So now things are looking up I actually want to do something with my life, I am thinking of going to college to study childcare but I am still unsure because I dont want to start going then find it too hard and end up quiting, I really want to do this but I still have that niggling thought in back of my head saying "you will fail and ruin everything" Has anyone got any advice?
Does anyone here go college even though they have panic attacks?

I do want to do this but im so scared i will stuff it all up.

I will appreciate any advice xx

Luv Laura xx

19-05-06, 13:30
WELL DONE ON YOUR PROGRESS!! That is fantastic!! I can't really offer advice abut your next step because i cant even cope with my anxiety yet..but i wish you all the best...dont let it hold you back from what you want to do!!!



F**k with these buttons and knobs long enough, and maybe things will turn out...just fine!

19-05-06, 14:03
Well done, you've really achieved something. Take that positive and keep moving forward with it. Have you got a friend or a mate who would like to do the same course? Even though i'm signed off work at the moment i have worked through having panic, in a school environment, i just realise what is happening, take some rescue remedy if I need it and relax and carry on, it is only panic and it will not control me i am going to take control! Look at what courses are available and how much you'll be expected to do, it could be that you could do part time, I'm sure there are options, don't let panic scare you into not achieving your dreams.
Take care


'This too will pass'

19-05-06, 14:06
hi and well done you! you sound like your really on your way...i think you should go to collage, youve got nothing to lose best of luck let us know ..xx

jools xx

19-05-06, 14:16
I started suffering anxiety just before I went back to University so I can understand how you feel but I am glad I did. Giving your life a focus like that and keeping you busy detracts from a lot of the negative thinking that fuels the anxiety. Sure, there were moments of social anxiety, meeting people, having to present in a few lectures and working in the bar late nights to support my studies which caused some problems but I don't know what I would have done otherwise.

Don't be fooled it wil be difficult, but you have to push on. It's the only way to have a life and it's the only way to get better. If you don't do something and just hang around the house, you'll have a relapse for some reason - it happens to everyone - and then you'll be too scared to do anything. Do it while you can!

Good luck.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

19-05-06, 15:11
Hi Laura

Well done with all the progress you have made and you are still on your journey.

I think many of us would feel anxious starting something new like going to college but once there you could find it is the best decision you could make. Why not give it a try?

Although a completely different situation, I am currently attending a day hospital for treatment. To start with I was so terrified that I didn't want to go and almost didn't. But now I am glad I found the courage to go because it has been a help to me.

Taking that first step is often the hardest.

Good luck.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

19-05-06, 20:27
Hi Laura,

Although I'm having problems at the moment, I did go to college some years ago while I had panic attacks. My tutors were told I had panic attacks and were helpful and I passed the course. So I was thinking if you do go to college, perhaps if you told your tutor(s) it might help you too.

Also well done on the achievements you've made.

Take Care,
