View Full Version : Bored housewives/hubbies

02-10-11, 02:43
What do you do to prevent youselves becoming bored??? Yes, I know what you're thinking:blush: but like me, they're probably your fantasies!:blush:

What do you find in reality to give yourself something to look forward to??? I'm looking for ideas because I have a huge void with nothing to fill it and I can't find anything to give me that spark back.:shrug:

04-10-11, 00:51
I think very many people are bored - especially with the daily routine and drudgery of life.

How about decorating the house before winter - make it feel fresh and welcoming. Change the colour scheme to shades that cheer you.

An evening class, or a walking club, join a church........ We've talked about this often. It is hard to make yourself be interested in something, but I truly think if you made the initial effort to get out to some sort of club or voluntary organisation, you'd end up enjoying it. The first step is always the hardest!


paula lynne
04-10-11, 10:26
Try an evening class
Take up photography
Join a walking/rambling group
Go to the cinema with a friend
Eat a meal in a restaurant alone and be comfortable in your own skin
Read that series of books you always promised yourself youd read
Buy a crossword book and exercise your brain
Write poetry
Learn to cook and invite a friend over to enjoy the results
Give all those clothes you dont wear to charity
Take a stand for something you believe in, join a cause
Get on a bus and travel around all day
Sit by the ocean and just "be"
Plant some bulbs now to enjoy in the Spring
Contribute.....buy something from a charity shop every week, however small
Make something with wood or metal
Write a long letter to an old friend
If you are single, google "single holidays" and book one for a weekend next year
Find a pub you like the look of and have an afternoon pint, because you can
Spend the day in a City youve never been
Sell your unwanted stuff, make some money, and buy yourself a piece of Art
Join the local Historical Society

Paula x:D

04-10-11, 10:34
Hello Bill, long time no speak.

please share some of your beautiful poetry with us

05-10-11, 04:53
Paula:hugs: you went to alot of trouble writing that list so I feel I owe you a reply but I don't mean some of the answers to sound like a "yes but".

Try an evening class
No enthusiasm for it.

Take up photography
I enjoy but as a distraction.

Join a walking/rambling group
Not sure about a fast walking large group but I do enjoy walking. Have climbed Snowden and Ben Nevis but walking alone isn't much fun.

Go to the cinema with a friend
No friends or local cinemas.

Eat a meal in a restaurant alone and be comfortable in your own skin
No fun alone and can never be comfy in own skin.

Read that series of books you always promised yourself youd read
Would fall asleep but I do enjoy books.

Buy a crossword book and exercise your brain
I'd end up frustrated!

Don't enjoy getting wet but would enjoy the views!

Life art? Ok! Wouldn't mind modelling either! lol

Write poetry
Have for years.

Learn to cook and invite a friend over to enjoy the results
Cook every night and mother complimented my cooking but no friends cook for.

Give all those clothes you dont wear to charity
Recently done.

Take a stand for something you believe in, join a cause

Get on a bus and travel around all day
Fall asleep.

Sit by the ocean and just "be"
Enjoy watching sea but no fun alone.

Plant some bulbs now to enjoy in the Spring
Done Lots of gardening to keep mind off things.

Contribute.....buy something from a charity shop every week, however small
Have for years but got too much clutter!

Make something with wood or metal
A hammer? Feel like using one.

Write a long letter to an old friend
Got plenty of "old" friends but none my age to write to.

If you are single, google "single holidays" and book one for a weekend next year
Nope, not single but certainly feel it. Would book one if could!

Find a pub you like the look of and have an afternoon pint, because you can
Probably have quite a few!

Spend the day in a City youve never been
Yep, have tried that and spent too much.

Sell your unwanted stuff, make some money, and buy yourself a piece of Art
I like "attractive" sculptures.

Join the local Historical Society
Have considered that.

I don't know what is about me though. Nothing seems to fill my void. Anything I do enjoy in the above just seems to act as a distraction.

Ditzy...poem a!...Can't remember which you've read. Let's see...ermm, slightly naughty but I think I can get away with it!...

My Autumn Angel

As she walks towards me in the cool autumn air,
With the low sunlight shining on her graceful hair,
Her eyes sparkling of gems rare and bright,
With her face aglow with a smile of delight,

The golden leaves falling slowly by her feet,
The sight of her making my heart flutter a light beat,
Of anticipation of being close to an angel so fair,
As I shield my eyes from the suns glare,

A light breeze blowing her white silken dress,
As it flows elegantly behind her without duress,
Her face becoming clearer as she walks ever nearer,
Intoxicating my soul with the realization of being close to her,

This angel I’ve dreamt of, this princess of autumn,
This love I hold for this woman, who heals my wounds,
A beauty so rare glowing with warmth of a summer lost,
As my eyes shed a tear at her beautiful image beyond cost,

Her soft hands reach to hold mine,
As I gently pull her towards me in the fading sunshine,
Smoothing her hair with my fingertips,
I tenderly kiss her soft pink lips,

A taste so sweet of an angel like no other woman on Earth,
With her wings surrounding, encompassing my girth,
Holding her firmly, fearing she’ll fly away,
Kissing her fervently as I guide her body to lay,

To be beside her to smooth her soft frame,
To adore her under the clouds as it begins to rain,
To pour my adoration, to make love to give her pleasure,
To prove my love for an angel, so beautiful and pure.:hugs:

eternally optimistic
05-10-11, 07:25
Morning Bill

Hope you are well.

I think you have missed something really special with the poetry....

You should start to compile some new material and see if you can get it published... that surely would keep you busy. LOL

Best wishes to you Bill.

05-10-11, 09:10
Jay Ann thank you for that advise. i have been nagging Bill for ages to get some of his work published. He has a true talent with words and its a true pleasure to read his work.

Bill - thank you, I love your poetry. You make someone feel special.

How about cooking, making jams, chutneys etc in fact anything. You could send them to a charity or church for them to sell to raise money. I am not religious particularly but our local church minister has been amazing to us and the only way I can repay him is by making goodies to sell at church bizarres. Makes me feel good too.

05-10-11, 11:08

That's a beautiful poem, i agree get some of your stuff published :yesyes:

06-10-11, 04:04
Hi all:hugs:
It's something that I'm working on but there's nothing I can do at present. I have a book of about 30 poems that has been privately produced for me but they've offered to produce a second book which could contain over 100 poems that I've written over the years. Once that's completed, I am seriously thinking about going to a proper punblisher to see if a few more copies could be produced. After that though, I was planning on just keeping them for my own benefit and to hand copies out free of charge to anyone else who would like a read them. Those are my thoughts at present but we'll see what happens.

I never had the courage to show my mother my poems until the first book was produced. When I showed her she surprised me by saying how beautiful they were, how proud she was of me and that I was full of surprises. I'm just glad I showed her before I lost her because I'll treasure that memory of what she said to me.

Thank you for your encouragement.:bighug1:

06-10-11, 09:48
I am glad you showed her too, and I am glad you share them with us, you are a very talented man and i hope u do get some published.

We will keep you smiling x

06-10-11, 21:07
A little thank you for sweet little ditzy! I don't know if you've read it before but it seems appropiate for this time of year.:hugs:


As the birds flew south, I watched and longed for their return,
In the hope that once more the fires within my heart would be rekindled to burn,
I gazed at the leaves slowly fluttering, floating, falling to the soft ground below,
As they lay on new life hidden til the spring suns warmth encouraged them to grow,

The winter nights grew so long til all at once they took hold,
Snatching away your comforting warmth that once protected me from the cold,
Frost entered my heart as ice froze me to my core,
Whilst my skin was chapped by the piercing wind til it was left rough, raw and sore,

The silent snow fell blanketing the hard frozen ground,
Forming a shroud encasing me from all soothing sounds,
Trapped in my cocoon waiting for the sun to thaw my soul,
When all the trees leaves would once more unfurl and unfold,

When once more ‘my love’ with her loving key would return to unlock all my fears,
Removing my memories of long lonely nights once soaked in tears,
Supporting each other til our anxieties disappear leaving our lives clear,
A time when each day would be filled with the warm summers sun with "my love" held near.:hugs:

06-10-11, 21:41
Aw Bill thank you and how do you do it ? You have an amazing talent with words.

Its very cold here today and snow on the mountains so this is very apt.

Thank you for sharing


06-10-11, 22:33
how do you do it ?

Well, answer me first how you became the highland princess that you are?:shrug:


Fly, fly, fly across the deep blue sky,
Floating on the breeze, a balloon on high,
Gazing upon the wondrous lands as I sail by,
Observing people as they sunbathe at the seaside,

Across the deep wide endless sea,
To lands with forests of thick tall trees,
Gliding on to exciting exotic places where enormous mountains stand free,
To where lay hidden, deep green valleys will be,

Blown on south by stormy gales,
Above the yachts sailing with their white sails,
Across the farmland and their lonely straw bales,
Over the trains speeding upon the rails,

Fly, fly, fly free as the bird flying high,
Across the deep void of blue sky,
Free as the wind blowing me by,
Why, oh why then, can't I?:shrug:

08-10-11, 03:37
I just wanted to let you know, especially Paula:hugs: that I have found something I'm rather interested in that involves a large number of people mixing together within small groups of various activities such as in Paulas list. I need to find out more but I really feel it could help filling my void.:hugs:

08-10-11, 03:41
What? What? Do tell....................:D

08-10-11, 03:45
I want to find out more first!:zipit::)

08-10-11, 03:47
Tease! :mad::winks:

08-10-11, 08:38
Bill you always make me have that warm inner smile, thank you and your words are amazing as always.

I really hope you have found something that will cheer you up and make you feel needed. You are incredibly intelligent and caring they will be lucky to have you x

paula lynne
08-10-11, 11:21
Thats fantastic news Bill, Im so happy for you! :D
I cant wait to hear what it is, and how you are getting along, keep us posted! :hugs:Love P x

eternally optimistic
10-10-11, 22:30

Just read your latest additions to this post and they are wonderful......

Make sure, Bill, you update us with your possible new past time...

Best wishes.

11-10-11, 00:11
What do you do to prevent youselves becoming bored??? Yes, I know what you're thinking:blush: but like me, they're probably your fantasies!:blush:

What do you find in reality to give yourself something to look forward to??? I'm looking for ideas because I have a huge void with nothing to fill it and I can't find anything to give me that spark back.:shrug:

The question uppermost in my mind, was the tell tale " I have a huge void with nothing to fill it, and I can't find anything to give me that spark back".

A context is always helpful if you are looking for direct practical advice (?).

What created that void? :noangel:

11-10-11, 02:52
Losing my mother who was a very large part of my daily life but now I'm feeling there maybe new opportunities presenting themselves which I'm Hoping will offer a new beginning.:)

11-10-11, 09:49
Dearest Bill, I know you are still coming to terms with what has happened, but from what I know you did your absolute best for your mother and for that you should be very proud of yourself. You and I both have and are experiencing caring for the elderly. Your situation has changed leaving a big void.

Your mother would now want you to go on and use your talent and skills to live a life that is as fulfilling as possible. You were so kind to your mother, and you know how I feel about care of the elderly.

Remember she is in heaven and will keep looking down on you to check you are still doing what you do best, helping others.

It's your time now Bill for you to have a new beginning and we are here to support you all the wayx

11-10-11, 10:13

I recently bought a book off the internet from the advice of Mishel on this forum to learn more about the loss of love and dealing with a lost relationship.

I thought I would share something with you that really struck a chord with me in the book. It all surrounded from the japanese word "akeru"...which sounds nice when you say it out loud... it means "to empty" and "to end" but ALSO "to open" and "to begin"....

one word with completely oppositional meanings... leading into the thought that with every void that is opened, it leaves space for a new beginning... you are not empty but you are waiting to be filled again...

i love it, i love the word and the thoughts around it... i hope you do too x

12-10-11, 02:58
I am feeling much more hopeful of finding ways to fill this void because opportunities appear to be opening for me which hasn't happened for a very long time. It maybe a new beginning but I can't be sure as yet, but I'll certainly be putting all my effort into these opportunities.


I know you've been going through a Really rough time lately so I must admit I'm just glad and very grateful to see your reply. Despite everything, you're Still thinking and caring about others!:flowers::hugs:

with every void that is opened, it leaves space for a new beginning... you are not empty but you are waiting to be filled again...

That phrase is very true and it's exactly how I've been feeling. It's a bit like the saying that goes "when a door is closed, a new one always opens" which I've also found to be very true even when it's felt there's nothing in sight or I've just had to sit and wait. Eventually though with patience and perseverance new openings do often appear so I've found you should never give up on "hope". Hope never gives up on you unless you give up on it and speaking about you for a moment I think you have tons of reasons to be hopeful for a happy future. I'm glad to see your post.:hugs:

12-10-11, 13:44
Thank you Bill you are so kind. Being strong for others is something I have always found easy and enjoyable, I just wish i could apply the same energy on myself! :hugs:

13-10-11, 05:24
Sometimes being strong for others "gives" us the strength to carry on because thinking of others can help us to stop dwelling on our own problems. It's when we keep thinking about ourselves that our problems can get on top of us because we end up worrying abut everything and making ourselves ill.

I know you're going through an awful lot sweet AP so I thought this might help you smile:)...

I know you have these in your life:noangel:...but when you relate this to them, don't forget to include you because I'm Sure you are just as valuable to them. Indeed, they are probably the lucky ones to have "THE" rarest as "Their" friend!:hugs:

The rarest

When times are bleak and all hope feels lost,
It is difficult to find help free of cost,
We flounder and wallow through thick trees,
Without aim or purpose, no assistance or guidance,

Yet from the darkness, bright lights appear,
That show love and kindness to dry our tears,
Who provide support for our struggle through,
With comforting words said by so very few,

For we live, and one day we all die,
Yet with our precious angels somehow we survive,
Til our time is up,
And the end is abrupt,

Yet through a lifetime, our lives cross,
Special people appear when all feels lost,
Through difficult times, they help us climb tall walls,
For they are indeed our angels, our rarest friends of all:hugs:....like You are to them AP.:bighug1:

paula lynne
13-10-11, 10:43
Well, what are you up to Bill, keeping us all in suspense for days.......:winks: Do tell!
Paula x

14-10-11, 04:24
"Dear" Paula:hugs:
There is more than one thing I'm waiting on but nothing concrete just yet. I will tell you when I feel more sure which hopefully will be soon. It's nothing exciting but these things should go towards filling my void if they work out.:winks: