View Full Version : Why in a morning does it appear!

02-10-11, 09:15
Hi all,
Iv been a member for a little while of this forum but not really posted, so today i thought i would.

I have been suffering at its worst panic/anxiety for approx 6 months now and at times really starts to annoy me!
I do not really venture to far on my own but will venture further with my hubby etc, i am currently recieving cbt therapy although my nhs treatment is coming close to the end (end of oct), with the cbt i am getting better but very slowly.

The main reason for my post is i was wondering if anyone else feels like i do, its mainly in a morning only, till about dinner, i get jittery legs, and generally feel so coiled up despite my breathing techniques iv learnt it does not pass till its ready......does anyone else get this?

Any tips would be appreciated
Thanks Chrissie

02-10-11, 09:26
Hi chrissie
Yes..I get this ..and so do lots of other people. Check out the thread " morning anxiety". I also try all my techniques but they don't seem to work..I just have to let it pass. It's frustrating though isn't it..I try and get through it by knowing the afternoon might be better!!
It does seem to be common though..if that helps!


02-10-11, 09:44
Thanks x

02-10-11, 09:48
good morning lol. yeah its an absolute nightmare. you never know what the next morning has install for you. can make you feel really hopeless sometimes. think the main benifit of this site is that you can talk it out with other people that understand or atleast relate to what you mean. how are you feeling today. i had such a bad spell yesterday. really hope i can pick myself up today


02-10-11, 10:12
I think the main reason why mornings are worse is because it is the start of the day and we see the potential for anxiety-inducing situations,obviously there are less and less of these as we move through the day.At least that's my take on it :unsure:


02-10-11, 10:21
yeah that make sense Andy. its like we wake up feeling how we have instinctively learn t to feel, and its through knowledge and education that we can move through it. funny how something as simple as the 'waking up in the morning', can set you up for the whole day. hope that makes sense

05-10-11, 14:33
I get that too every morning before I had to get up to travel 20 miles to a college, I would get up my stomach hurting throat locked and wanting to throw up.
Then I noticed when I woke up and didn't have college no symtoms just my usual post nasal drip.
I've left college as the anxiety was too much and don't think just one A level is going to be beneficial for me.