View Full Version : Broken

02-10-11, 12:21
Hi there i joined this forum in what feels like the worst days of my life. my girlfriend split from me less than an hour ago. i have anxiety issues for years now and my paranoia has chased her off. it feels like its all my fault. i hate myself. i hate everything around me. i am on citalopram and it isnt the first time. im going for counselling for the 5th time. im in serious trouble. i need friends, help, anything :(

02-10-11, 12:24
Hi Firebug88

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-10-11, 12:46
Hey :) Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear that you're not in a great place at the moment. Don't beat yourself up too much just take one day at a time and concentrate on getting yourself to a happier place :) This site has been great for me and I am sure it will help you lots too.

02-10-11, 12:47
Thanks for your reply. i really hope this helps. im in so deep i dont know what to do anymore :( im so miserable

02-10-11, 12:48
Hi there i joined this forum in what feels like the worst days of my life. my girlfriend split from me less than an hour ago. i have anxiety issues for years now and my paranoia has chased her off. it feels like its all my fault. i hate myself. i hate everything around me. i am on citalopram and it isnt the first time. im going for counselling for the 5th time. im in serious trouble. i need friends, help, anything :(

Hi Firebug88

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time at the minute. It's hard when a realtionship ends, whether you have anxiety or not, though anx seems to amplify any negative feelings you have in your life. It's hard for people who have never suffered from it to understand - but everyone here has suffered, and there is a lot of support, so don't be afraid to ask for help, or just post how you're feeling.

Do you find the citalopram helps? If you've not been back on it for long, as you know it can take a while to kick in, and hopefully your counselling will help you too.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Mandy x

02-10-11, 12:59
Hi, thanks for your reply, i have been on the citalopram for only a week this time round so i understand the wait. i just don't know how to deal with this rejection and where im from counselling can take a while to get started :( all i can do right now is blast my favourite band and hope it helps me. i just wish i could enjoy life. im only 23 :(

02-10-11, 13:07
Hi, thanks for your reply, i have been on the citalopram for only a week this time round so i understand the wait. i just don't know how to deal with this rejection and where im from counselling can take a while to get started :( all i can do right now is blast my favourite band and hope it helps me. i just wish i could enjoy life. im only 23 :(

Hard to believe now I know, but you will enjoy life again :) If blasting the music helps, so be it. I'm waiting for counselling too, so understand how frustrating the wait is. Distraction can also be a great help, whether that's in excercise, watching dvds, or blasting choons :) Take all and any supprt that's offered. Do you have friends or famly who know about your anx and that you could talk to? You need to be kind to yourself at the moment, don't give yourself a hard time about what's happened, and there are always people around on here to talk to.

Take care

Mandy x

02-10-11, 13:44
I have my family and i have been talking a lot to them, my friend is also coming round later to see me so i will at least have that. i just feel so inconsolable right now. i feel like my lifes been taken away. i feel like i should have just put on a show and not let her see how i felt. we made so many plans and shared some awesome times. i feel like my opening up to people has paid too big a price at the cost of my relationship but i cant do anything now. i just want to stop feeling like im going to throw up :( sorry for prattling on

02-10-11, 19:46
prattle on as much as you want - we all have :) It's what the site is here for - hope you are feeling abit better now

Mandy x

04-10-11, 15:31
things are getting worse, my doctor has given me more meds to take and im seriously freaking out all the time. i just cant get this all out my head its driving me insane >.<

04-10-11, 18:00
Sorry your not feeling better - what meds have you got from the doc?

04-10-11, 18:54

:welcome: to the site, you`ll get lots of help and support here and make new friends too.

Hope your well.

05-10-11, 11:01
Sorry your not feeling better - what meds have you got from the doc?

I am on citalopram, diazepam and zopiclone for my anxiety and to try and take the edge off feeling bad. i haven't been sleeping great either but the zopiclone seems to help a little bit. im just trying to take each day as it comes. one step closer to recovery etc. i just hope it passes soon

05-10-11, 11:03
i know just how you feel x

05-10-11, 11:11
it's a horrible feeling but i WILL overcome this. i deserve to have a better life and i deserve to be treated right by people. i spend a lot of my time trying to help people through their troubles in life but it seems that when it came to me i just got shunned. i will not be allowing this to happen anymore, i am tired of being second place and if people dont want to treat me right then they can deal with their own problems alone. i will come back from this stronger than ever, i owe myself that. its time for me to stand up and be counted for

05-10-11, 11:17
that's a great attitude, whenever you feel low re-read what you have just written and repeat it over and over. you do deserve more, we all do x

05-10-11, 11:33
thanks =]. i want to stick to this. i feel awful but i'm going to come out on top. i'll come back bigger and better. i have a lot to give and if people don't want care and affection, support etc in their life then its their loss. i wont be a doormat any longer

05-10-11, 14:32
hi ya am sorry to hear ur bad news ..hope things brighten up ..it's bloody awful feeling like that . much love oldskool

05-10-11, 14:42
hi ya am sorry to hear ur bad news ..hope things brighten up ..it's bloody awful feeling like that . much love oldskool

thanks very much! today i tried to make myself look a bit better in a bid to feel better. i feel bad but im not giving in =]

05-10-11, 18:38
A positive attitude will help you loads, glad to hear you talk like this :) You are right, you will get through it, it'll take time, but you will get there. Remember to be abit selfish, look after you first, and if you're ok, then you can think about helping other people. Meanwhile, have a :hugs:

Love Mandy x

05-10-11, 19:50
thanks very much :D