View Full Version : dizziness

02-10-11, 18:17
I'm really freaking out!! I've have anxiety for almost 2 years now and for the past week been having dizziness on and off but last night it was the worst I've ever had!! The room was swaying I was so freaked out and now I have the dizziness plus feeling really weak and like a vibrating feeling all though out my body please has anyone had this or should I go to the e.r?? X

02-10-11, 18:31
I'm really freaking out!! I've have anxiety for almost 2 years now and for the past week been having dizziness on and off but last night it was the worst I've ever had!! The room was swaying I was so freaked out and now I have the dizziness plus feeling really weak and like a vibrating feeling all though out my body please has anyone had this or should I go to the e.r?? X

I too suffer from dizzy spells. I can be fine for 6 months then for a week or 2 i will have dizzy spells daily. Had this for about 2-3 years now. I'm presuming it's anxiety/depression related.

02-10-11, 19:48
I have dizziness caused by tmj (jaw joint disorder) and it also comes and goes. I never get that whole room spinning feeling, but more like a swaying or boat rocking sensation. I've had this on and off for about 2 years also. It is probably the most annoying/ scary symptom I have but I've been checked out (head scans, nuerological tests) and everything always comes back normal. Do you grind or clench your teeth at all? I was amazed when I learned that all my night time clenching was affecting me so severly ... Headaches, pressure in my head, dizziness and off balance feelings, so much more! Also anxiety alone can also cause you to feel dizzy...I know how you're feeling. It really can make one miserable! :(

02-10-11, 20:43
This may sound strange but sometimes i get dizzy when i talk for long periods of time. It's like i forget to breath or something.

02-10-11, 21:07
Thanks guys :) I do clench my jaw a lot!! Its more of habit now I think, does anyone get this weak feeling in there body? Xxx

02-10-11, 21:35
Hi Laura
There are many causes for dizzyness. If you are on medication, check the side effects.
Sometimes sitting up right with eyes closed helps. Or trying to focus on a single point in the room. It is a very unpleasent sensation. If you are on meds that cause vertio[dizzyness]then speak to your GP, if not meds and it persists still speak to GP, as cause could be any thing from anxyity,ear wax to a mild and transient virus. A friend of mine with symptoms like yours find glucose sweets help,as long as you are not diabetic.
Hope you feel better soon Rue52