View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?

02-10-11, 23:04
Hey guys, hope all is well.

I just had what I think(hope) was a real bad panic attack. It was so terrifying I thought I was dying. I woke up this morning with a cold with a stuffy nose and sore throat. I've had feelings where I felt like I can'y get a full deep breath.

Anyways I left home to go to work and on my way in the bus, I just remember feeling so terrified that something bad is going to happen.

I'm standing as the bus is moving and I felt a heavy pressure and tightness in my chest and my heart started going real fast. I felt hot and started sweating, jelly legs. I felt as if my throat was closing up and that I'm losing control. I started belching a bit and I was definitely hyperventilating. Luckily I got off at the next stop which was at my workplace.

I'm in my office now but I'm really shaky and terrified I had a heart attack or something. My head feels foggy and I have wind in my chest and I feel as if I can't get a deep breath. :weep::weep::weep:

I'm not going to lie but despite my resent fear of sciatica, I've been doing well. I didn't have a panic attack in almost six months ad now they've returned.

Can ayone help.

02-10-11, 23:21
Hi Mark,

You didn't have a heart attack, I promise you, but it certainly does sound very much like a panic attack to me with all of the classic symptoms. I also think that maybe being unwell has perhaps played a big part in bringing on your panic symptoms.

When we feel horrible physically it can trigger the anxiety off. I have had this happen a number of times, and it sucks.

I know how scary it is too to feel the panic rising/ have a panic attack in a public place as well. You kind of feel so exposed and vulnerable. Just awful.

Now you are in the office, try if you can to practice all those little techniques that help - deep breaths, clenching and unclenching your hands, positive thoughts, tensing and untensing muscles. Also try to tell yourself that this is just a glitch/ a bad day, and you will feel better soon, and it will pass....all of those positive things.

It sounds corny, but they truly do help.


02-10-11, 23:40
Hi Mark,

You didn't have a heart attack, I promise you, but it certainly does sound very much like a panic attack to me with all of the classic symptoms. I also think that maybe being unwell has perhaps played a big part in bringing on your panic symptoms.

When we feel horrible physically it can trigger the anxiety off. I have had this happen a number of times, and it sucks.

I know how scary it is too to feel the panic rising/ have a panic attack in a public place as well. You kind of feel so exposed and vulnerable. Just awful.

Now you are in the office, try if you can to practice all those little techniques that help - deep breaths, clenching and unclenching your hands, positive thoughts, tensing and untensing muscles. Also try to tell yourself that this is just a glitch/ a bad day, and you will feel better soon, and it will pass....all of those positive things.

It sounds corny, but they truly do help.


Thanks so much for taking the time to respond Debs. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I have a huge fear of having Panic when I'm i crowded areas. I feel as if it intensifies the attack which I know sounds weird. I'm alone in the office now and I feel better than before. Just a bit shaky because I was so shocked by the panic.

Like I said I almost forgot what they felt like cuz its been so long since I had one. I do over breath a lot due to the daily stresses of skool and work but I usually don't let them bother me because i know I'm stressed out.

02-10-11, 23:56
Yep, me too Mark. I always overbreathe during an attack. I also pass out when I am at my worst because of the overbreathing, but thankfully that hasn't happened recently as I now am able to cut the attack off at the knees with deep breaths and distraction techniques, but gee it is hard and takes a lot of concentration!!

I can totally sympathise about the crowded areas fear.

I hate crowds as it is such a claustrophobic experience, which doesn't help the breathing at all, which then triggers an attack. The shakes are completely normal after a panic attack and do remind yourself that will pass soon hun. All that excess adrenaline is such a nuisance!
