View Full Version : urine infection advice needed pls

19-05-06, 14:57
GP's nurse told me last week, after doing a dipstick test, that I have a urine infection, and thats why I was feverish and exhausted. I was put on Trimepothim antibiotics, but she also sent the same test off to the lab and I got the results today - normal. So why do you think my test that she did showed up as having bladder infection bacteria in it? Or is it because they tested at the lab for more dangerous bacteria like STDs etc, and those ones were negative?

Anxiety Is Evil

19-05-06, 15:02
sometimes flu like symptoms can be a urine infection ..very common no need to worry as all other tasts were neg take your anibiotics and drink plenty of fluids help rinse it out.. youll be fine xxx

jools xx

19-05-06, 15:36
that exact thing happened to me but then the tests also came back normal. my doctor said it was because i was on the right course of antibiotic so their tests showed no further attention needed, hense the " normal " thing. i know this sounds weird but he says this is common practice

hope this helps. you can bet your life if you feel flu like and feverish your doctor was right

get better soon


19-05-06, 15:38
dont worry ive had this too! it makes u overheat and feel a bit dizzy but it will settle even though at the time its really uncomfortable..it should be nothing to worry about xx

F**k with these buttons and knobs long enough, and maybe things will turn out...just fine!

19-05-06, 17:22
exactly the same happened to me too, three times. i was told it was all anxiety related.


'This too will pass'

19-05-06, 20:48

Suffered with repeated UTIs all this year and all the antibiotics made me feel poo ! About 6 weeks ago was recommended to try something called Waterfall D-Mannose - a miracle cure ! Well was sceptical but what a difference. This stuff works and you won't need to antibiotics again. Brilliant !!!!

If you google D-Mannose it will bring up the waterfall site.

Good luck x