View Full Version : Horrible fears and anxiety

03-10-11, 12:12
My anxiety seems to come and go depending on what is happening around me. At the moment I am not coping well. This has started because of the recent unusually hot weather in the UK. I can't just go out and enjoy it like others are because I just don't feel this is right. This then leads me to worry about climate change and the earth in general. I worry about the future my children will have and it makes me feel sick. I can go weeks even months sometimes and feel ok. I know I should take each day as it comes but I can't seem to stop living in the future which scares me. Crazy I know. Any reassuring messages would be greatly recieved. I have just started taking stress less tablets has this helped any one else?

03-10-11, 12:32
Hi, I know it's hard to live in the moment sometimes but that's exactly what you have to do. We only have right now with our children and I try to tell myself that everyday. Enjoy TODAY. Worrying about the future will rob you of the joy you could have with your children right now, and that's what they need, you in the present! Believe me, I know this is easier said then done, but it's what we all should be striving for:) Good luck and I am here if you need to talk!

william wallace
03-10-11, 13:43
My anxiety seems to come and go depending on what is happening around me. At the moment I am not coping well. This has started because of the recent unusually hot weather in the UK. I can't just go out and enjoy it like others are because I just don't feel this is right. This then leads me to worry about climate change and the earth in general. I worry about the future my children will have and it makes me feel sick. I can go weeks even months sometimes and feel ok. I know I should take each day as it comes but I can't seem to stop living in the future which scares me. Crazy I know. Any reassuring messages would be greatly recieved. I have just started taking stress less tablets has this helped any one else?

Seeing as you're living in the future, would you mind PM'ing me the numbers for Tuesdays Euromillions?:)

03-10-11, 18:08
Don't worry about climate change etc. The whole idea is debatable. Yes, this is unusually hot weather, but it has happened before, at this time of the year, far before all our cars and aeroplanes.

Try reading 'Stop Thinking, Start Living'. It helped me change my life. It's very cheap on Amazon.


03-10-11, 18:17
Thanks I will give it a try.