View Full Version : google again please read i need help :-(

03-10-11, 17:08
Hi i really need help it started out my finger next to my pinky was really stiff and hurt mainly in the morning it hurt to stretch it out, now a few weeks later the finger next to it hurts and my wrist in the morning on the other hand is excrutiating not sure if the 2 are linked but my wrist really is horrible i can feel it clicking inside and cant even pick up the kettle, it does wear off during the day and if i take ibuprofen it helps, but my finger is ok sometimes and then other parts of the day is really uncomfortable to stretch out, i went to docs and he said he felt it was dupuytren contracture which i had never hurd of, he said it was mostly men over 40 which im a female of 31. I was happy with that bit worried but i got up to the school to pick my boys up and i happened to mention how i had a phone call 3 hours after my appointment and im going next tuesday her face dropped and said that seems very quick she proceeded to tell me how her husbands cousin died of motor neuron disease in his 30's and it started with a twinge in his shoulder, i feel sick i cant eat or function. I called my docs and asked why so quick appointment and she said it goes on a click and send basically an email is sent to the appointment centre and they call you, i have been sent to orthapedics, does this sound like motor neuron disese?
thanks for reading :weep::weep::weep::weep:

03-10-11, 17:12
Honestly I am not a doctor, nor anywhere close, but to me it sounds like arthritis! Esp if it hurts/is stiff but gets better throughout the day.

03-10-11, 17:15
doc said not but also i do need a new bed do you think sleeping funny can affect your wrists ?

03-10-11, 17:36
Yes it can Rebecca - very much so. I am being tested for carpal tunnel syndrome at the moment

03-10-11, 17:45
Thanks I'm just so worried did they say your bed can cause wrist pain x

03-10-11, 18:35
Well it is because of my back I think and I sleep funny on it. You do need a good mattress and good pillows to support the back.

03-10-11, 19:24
And there's also another nerve which runs through your elbow (the name of which escapes me at the moment) that is linked to your little finger and ring finger. I sleep funny on those and I often wake up with those fingers numb. I'm sure that could cause aching also. And if I sleep on a mattress that is too hard I tuck my hand under my chin in a weird way and my wrists can be very painful when I wake up.

They wouldn't refer you to orthapedics for motor neurone. And don't worry about the quick referral, they wouldn't have kept it from you if it was because they were unduly worried.

Who was it that told you the story about their cousin? She sounds like a gossip, and a mean one at that!

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

Just remembered, it's the ulnar nerve :)

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ----------

And I just googled 'dupuytren contracture' on your behalf. It sounds like the symptoms are similar to those you described, it can be sorted out easily, and it certainly doesn't lead to anything serious. So that's why the doc referred you. Don't listen to any more interfering busy-bodies :hugs:

03-10-11, 19:51
thankyou all so much for your time i feel a little better now my hubbie called and he has gone mad at the lady telling me the horror story, allinmyhead thank you so so much for doing that i couldnt face another google diagnosis i look up things for reassurance and come away feeling worse why do we do it to ourselves i supose there is always goint to be horror storys with every symptom you get,
thanks again xx:)

03-10-11, 19:57
No worries. I'm ok googling for other people, but after learning the hard way I stay well away from anything I think I might have :D

03-10-11, 20:30
my keys keep getting stuck i can spell honestly lol :-)

---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

im worrying again now because my throat feels funny when i swallow and i know thats a symptom :-(