View Full Version : Huge painful lumps on head

03-10-11, 19:13
I have these huge painful lumps all over my head, there is probably around 50 of them dotted around and they hurt so much to touch, sometimes pulsate on there own and its like throbbing pain.... Also the top back of my head really hurts, and it feels like its squashy when i push it, like there is a huge hole in the back of my head. i get a dry scalp alot and i tend to sit there and scratch my head alot, its just habit, im really scared ive got a tumour or something serious on my head, or maybe even a bleed to the brain. Some of the lumps are actually inside and move around like little ball bearings. Also my stomach has been extyremely painful lately and ive been having alot of fizzy drinks, i know i shouldnbt but im convinced its failing.

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:47 ----------

please help :(

03-10-11, 22:14
Hi there, I've had something similar on my head, it was quite a few years ago when I was a lot younger though, they felt bigger than they actually were when I realised it was just a type of acne, I know what you mean about the throbbing and squashy feeling I had that too, mine has all gone now.

Try not to scratch as it will make them worse! a medicated shampoo is a good idea but don't overdo it as you have a dry scalp to start with, suggesting a particular shampoo is not easy so have a look yourself and try to pick one which seems right for you.

Cut down on the fizzy drinks and replace with water and see if that helps your stomach...I think it will.

Here's a hug for you:hugs:and try not to worry so much.


Gemma T
03-10-11, 23:53
Brain tumour symptoms are normally dizziness, vision probs.

My ex had a really bad folecule infection once. Head was smothered in bumps and some were oozing. I don't think its serious and that uve prob caused an infection by scratching. Just go to the docs or chemist and they will give u sank x x x

04-10-11, 04:05
Hi there, thankyou both for your replies. But i often get dizziness and vision problems, i have the opticians next week am petrified they will find something as have got this huge mark on my eye whoch ivevhad for years.

04-10-11, 04:32
Have you seen a doctor or skin specialist?
You can get medicated shampoos or try using salt water to clear and prevent any infection.

04-10-11, 17:38
no i havnt seen the doctor, if there is an infection do you think it could be severe and be seirous to my health or could kill me? or get through to my brain? thanks

04-10-11, 18:32
No there is the scalp and then there is bone, very little chance for infection getting to your brain that way! There's nothing really for it to travel along :

Well I wasn't sure if the bumps were yellow or filled with pus, if you are prone to acne you can get that your scalp.
I have a dry scalp and have what feels a bit like spots on my mine.
Lumps along the sides and back of heads can be lymph nodes, the first time I found them I freaked out lol :)

Did you use any new shampoo or anything that might have upset your skin?