View Full Version : bad anxiety getting tatoo

04-10-11, 04:06
i have horrible health anxiety and anxiety in general. i pass out with needles (getting blood taken, ect,) i am getting a tattoo in 3 days and am getting very nervous i am not concerned over the pain just about passing out any suggestions im really nervous

04-10-11, 04:19
If it makes you nervous, then perhaps just skip it? Sometimes its easier just to avoid situations that make you nervous or uncomfortable?

04-10-11, 04:22
As long as it's a good shop and they know their stuff you'll be fine.
They are well used to people passing put, they will be able to tell before you will if that's going to happen, they'll stop and get you a cool drink or open the window.
The blood tends to mix with the ink and they'll also be spraying the area and wiping it away so you won't really see the blood plus the needles look nothing like needles and feels much more like getting scrached

04-10-11, 05:19
Make sure you are hydrated before you get there.
Take deep breaths and if possible take something to keep your mind occupied (my Sister went on FB on her phone when she was getting her's done).
NEVER EVER EVER drink alcohol before you get a tattoo.
If you don't like needles then DON'T WATCH AT ALL!
You will want to...but if needles bother you don't!

I want to see a pic when you get done :)

04-10-11, 05:48
Where are you getting it and how many hours worth?

04-10-11, 07:45
I've got a 3 hour sitting this afternoon, and had 5 hours work done recently, its nothing like having an injection, and you dont need to look. Tell the tattooist you arent a fan of needles though. If you need them to stop for a couple of minutes, just tell them, they wont mind at all.

Keep some water next to you to keep cool, if you arent a fan of the noise, then put some headphones and music on. Or you can take a friend with you to chat to to distract you.

Remember as well at a good tattooist, all the equipment is sterile, the needles they use will be in sealed packets, sterlised and only used on you and then thrown away, so you dont need to worry at all about that.

Just try and relax and enjoy it, it isnt that bad, and if something does happen, you wont be the first or the last person the tattooist has seen faint or feel ill. I'm quite fortunate as I dont feel it much, and quite enjoy having it done, but I still have a 5 min break every hour or so just to have a smoke and stretch my legs.

Where are on your body are you having it done ?

macc noodle
04-10-11, 08:02
I am sorry but I had to reread this post - are you having this tattoo done as some sort of habituation therapy if it makes you feel so ill???

Just don't get why you would cause yourself so much stress - not like you absolutely have to have one is it ??

Go with the flow - if you don't feel like having it done - then don't do it xxxxx

04-10-11, 08:56
If you feel too stressed and panicked about it then don't do it.
A good tattoo artist should make you feel secure and relaxed, and comfortable .

If you haven't done so already, spend some time in the shop, watch others getting tattooed etc.. it will help you get more comfortable with the place.

04-10-11, 19:47
mishel is quite right corbin.To add--- If you are having a large tattoo GOD help you---- just turn your head away

04-10-11, 19:55
Just a quick note, had mine today, 3 1/2 hours from the bottom of my ribs down to below my waist with one 2 minute break - was fine, didnt faint or even feel off, and the time does go a lot quicker than you think.

paula lynne
04-10-11, 20:16
Ive got 4 tattoos........yes it was painful, but like you I dont like needles. I just didnt look. Are you sure you want to do this? I regret 2 of mine on my inner ankles.
Anyway, this might be a case of feeling the fear and doing it anyway....you may get rid of your fear :huh:.....maybe. Good luck!

06-10-11, 12:55
I have two tattoos myself and I'm not gonna lie, I hate needles. Mostly when I have to give blood and get an IV me I get very very nervous and all worked up. When I got my first tattoo I had to tell the guy to stop like 5 times because I was feeling dizzy and my heart was racing. He was totally cool about it. My second one, learning from experience I made sure I ate something and that I was hydrated. I also found out it helps me if I lay down while getting the tattoo...you'll be fine and it'll be worth it in the end. Good luck!

06-10-11, 14:00
Just a quick note, had mine today, 3 1/2 hours from the bottom of my ribs down to below my waist with one 2 minute break - was fine, didnt faint or even feel off, and the time does go a lot quicker than you think.

Wow how painful was that ? I often wondered if on the less fatty areas of the needle can hit the bones!

---------- Post added at 14:00 ---------- Previous post was at 13:59 ----------

It's been a few years, I had my tattoo's done rather young, but can't remember much pain, I do remember saying getting my eyebrows waxed was much more painful lol

06-10-11, 17:45
The pain doesnt depend on how thin or fat you are, or how near the bone, its down to the actual area of skin and how many pain sensors it has so my tattooist tells me.

Stomach is pretty easy, waist and shoulder uncomfortable but not do bad, ribs is like someone dragging a rusty blunt knife through them over and over again :)

On my upper arms I cant really feel it at all until it gets close to the shoulder joint.

Everyone does react and feel it differently though, some huge big blokes faint in easy places, and some tiny women can have hours done on their ribs without flinching.

06-10-11, 17:54
ahh like how many nerves and stuff are there, cool :)
I do know they are further spaced apart on the back, not sure how I know that though!
AHAHA ouch sounds like hardcore pain over the ribs!

I know kids feel more pain that adults, women feel more pain than men but are more able to tolerate it lol
Oh and women on that time of month are like hyper sensitive to pain ...

I knew girl who would almost sleep through getting her tattoo's done.

06-10-11, 18:24
My friend Ali can, she had 5 hours done on her ribs in one sitting, and could have gone on longer. I think men must just be a bit more pathetic than women with pain lol.

Apparently the absolute worse places are the soles of your feet, followed by your nipples, it is very rare for people to have anything done on these.

06-10-11, 20:21
Lol I bet the soles of your feet would tickle lol, I hear the hands and feet hurt lot and the wrists ouch,
Men do seem to suffer from more more blood and needle phobias that women:)