View Full Version : what can i do

04-10-11, 10:37
please can someone help calm me down im so upset i dont know what to do, ive googled again and i know i shouldnt and im gutted with myself that i have done it, but i google motor neuron disease to all the people that have worried about it, i have got 2 middle stiff fingers and a stiff painful wrist on the other hand stiff joints is a symptom of mnd im only 31 so what else could it be i did go the docs yesterday and he said it was something else for my fingers but didnt touch upon my wrist can mnd progress so fast this has all happened in about 4-5 weeks, i also get twitches but have done for ages ive got a horrible sick stomach and dont know where to turn i went to the docs yesterday but i cant go back again today :mad: i really am feeling bad

04-10-11, 14:12
I'm often straining a finger joint or my wrist with doing a manual job...... gardening. In a few days time, you'll be fine.

04-10-11, 14:48
thanks so much but i havnt been doing anything manual at all its so much worse in the mornings and as the day goes on it gets better also if i take ibuprofen it gets better would mnd get better throughout the day i dont know all i know is im at my wits end :-(

04-10-11, 15:26
Any swelling?

04-10-11, 15:31
no why would that be better?

04-10-11, 15:40
no why would that be better?

I was just thinking if there was swelling it would most likely be Arthritis.

04-10-11, 18:05
Could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Your symptoms do point to it, especially as you say it eases with use of your hands during the day. It is caused by the median nerve being pressed by the carpal bones in the wrist. This causes numbness, pain and tingling in middle/index fingers, thumb, hands and wrist and can be worse during the night and morning. It can be related to arthritis but not always. Treatment is with splints, NSaids, cortiocosteroids or simple day case surgery for more severe symptoms.
Ive had the surgery and was back home within hours and well healed after 2 weeks. Only one hand is done at one time for convenience in every day life.
Good luck and not easy I know but try not to worry and if symptoms persist go back to GP.
Jan x

04-10-11, 18:19
Hi Rebecca,

It was a sore wrist and sore fingers that kicked off my mnd fears two months ago. I'm still in the midst of a panic over it (and have had loads of other symptoms since, but nothing that probably can't be explained by anxiety). Anyway, it really does just sound like you may have either strained your wrist and hand or you might have a trapped nerve or could have repetitive strain injury. My wrist pain is well gone at this stage (have changed my typing posture) but occasionally get sore fingers still (nothing like I was experiencing though). Just give it some time and see if it improves. Also, try taking some ibuprofen.

Remember, even if it does not improve quickly, its still likely nothing to worry about. To put it into perspective, your chances of having MND under the age fo 38 are 1 in 165 million per year. You'd be TWENTY times more likely to die in an air crash and.... wait for it... TWENTY THOUSAND times more likely to die in a car accident.

04-10-11, 20:16
thanks for the replies everybody, i know im going on but if it were als surely taking ibruprofen wouldnt improve it or it wouldnt get better during the day would it? mel78 was your finger and wrist pain in the same hand as mine isnt, also where did you get your stats from sorry to be a pain xx

04-10-11, 20:42
Hey Rebecca - my story is a bit of a saga. The wrist pain started in one hand. Then I got finger pain in the other. THEN I got finger pain in the hand that had the sore wrist, but he wrist wasn't sore at that stage. But THEN I got a sore shoulder in the arm I had the sore wrist in. That seems to have improved a lot lately too. The pain in my fingers was bad - there were times that I had to stop typing because of it, but again it seems to be under control now. I might get it again if I do a lot of typing in work and dont rest properly in the evenings.

I read the ALS stats on some website which I'd prefer not to tell you the name of incase you go there and read other stuff that will freak you out. But trust me - the figure is true - 1 out of 165,000,000 chance per year under 38. Only 0.003% of cases diagnosed are in people under 38. That's an almost unheard of number of what is already an almost unheard of disease. I am almost making myself feel better just typing this :-)