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19-05-06, 17:34
Just wondered what everyones apetite is like? i know anxiety can cause you to not eat cos of that feling you just cant face it, but my therapist was telling me the {the past two sessions} to eat! i dont eat much at all and mainly have only one meal a day and thats tea time, which i guess explains why im so relieved and relaxed at night! i just wanted to let ya'll know to eat three times a day, no matter how you feel because straight after if not 10-15 mins later, you feel so much better! and the past few days where ive eaten regular, ive felt heaps better, i dont feel like im dizzy during the day, of like im floating! infact id say ive lost 3-4 usual daily symptoms just from regular meals. breakfast is the most important!
Becci x x x

19-05-06, 17:49
hi becci,
i too have problem eating, i have lost 2 stone in the last 6 months i was only 10 stone before and 5'6" so im underweight now.. i just cant face food all day then i eat late at night and your right i do feel better then, but my anxiety is always worse in the morning so cant face eating i will try to get a breackfast tho, anything to feel better,xx

jools xx

19-05-06, 18:21
I wish, my problem is i can't stop eating, well i don't eat big meals but need them regularly and i crave for chocolate all the time [:P]

19-05-06, 18:27
i told my therapist i craved chocolate all the time, she says its because my blood sugar drops or something {dont understand the sugar thing!} because i want to snack more on sweet things. 3 meals,3 proper meals lol, may help! try bits of everything.
Breakfast is my worse nightmare! hate food first thing! i get up at 7-30am and then id not eat till tea, but now, instead of eating straight away, i try a breakfast far or half a slice of toast about 9-00 am, atyleast then ive broken the fast from during the night!

19-05-06, 18:41
yeah i have been having toast about 10.30 but its a struggle..i dont crave sweet things but i do binge on crisps! but they dont put any weight on me.xx

jools xx

20-05-06, 07:40
Hi Becci - I agree with you that its important to eat properly. I eat 3 meals a day and have healthy snacks in between to keep my blood sugar stable. When my anxiety first started I couldn't eat anything until lunchtime and felt dreadful all day - it was as though my body never caught up the fuel it needed to keep going. My anxiety is definately worse when I'm hungry - I think its because low blood sugar has causes symptoms similar to anxiety.
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Love Helen