View Full Version : cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt)

04-10-11, 13:42
hi just wondering if anyone has done this and how much did it help ?

04-10-11, 14:19
Yes. It does work. It is very hard work but if you take it in very small steps it can be very helpful.

04-10-11, 16:38
i had one session of this and found it quite useful, there idea is to make you challenge your thoughts and face your fears slowly through exposure, i was also taught how to ride out a panic attack and control breathing

04-10-11, 19:37
I'm on session 7 now. I'll be honest, it hasn't done much for me. In saying that though I'm going to keep doing it as she feel's I'm making progress, and she's a lovely lady..a great listener.

04-10-11, 20:39
Hiya I did CBT a few months ago and have just been re-referred for another lot as I found it very helpful. Made me see that how I was thinking was very negative and not very logical at all and I am glad that I did it and am doing it again.

Kayleigh x

05-10-11, 18:01
For me this has been a problem , because i had a really bad panic while at my first session , and couldn't calm down while in the session room , so now my mind associates it as a place to avoid , it has been recommend i use another room at the cbt place , but i still feel terrible anytime i think about attending another meeting ....

05-10-11, 22:30
I did it for about a 2 years.

The first session i was a total wreck. Just wanted to get the hell out of there as quick as i could. Wanted to avoid it for a longtime.

But i stuck at it and glad i did. It really does make a difference talking to someone and working on the thought patterns. Sometimes it can feel that it isn't making any difference, maybe a waste of time. But slowly it does help. I think people try something once and expect to be cured from that. They keep looking for that magic pill or someone telling them they are alright.
CBT did me a world of good, gave me back confidence and the will to fight my issues. It isn't easy to begin with but as time goes by it will help. Just got to be open and honest.