View Full Version : Hello

04-10-11, 15:04
My name is Lorna and I am currently suffering with Anxiety and depression. My CBT is being sorted but could take 6-8 weeks before I start.
Dizziness is my biggest symptom and tends to lead to most of my panic attacks. It all kicked off in Febuary when my dad died.
I cant leave the house alone and am generally scared to death of life. Doctor has finally done blood tests and results are due this week.
I also get head twitches and I also get that falling sensation you get just before you go to sleep, only with me I am wide awake. These weird sensations make me feel like I heve something very wrong with me like MS or Parkinsons....even a brain tumour.
Would love to hear fro anybody who also gets these symptoms just so I know that I am not going crazy :yesyes:

04-10-11, 15:08
Hi LollyKing

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-10-11, 15:24
hi lollyking

i too suffer with dizziness, well i would say ,mine is more lighheaded -i feel constantly like i am on the verge of fainting. I think this is what sends me into panic mode as i'm so scard of fainting when i'm out that it gets worse, but only because the feeling is there in the first place, if you know what i mean?.

This is a great site, and someone, somewhere here, will be feeling exactly as you do, so great for support x

04-10-11, 19:49
Hi Diane and Sunday
Thank you for your replies. I look forward to making many new friends.
All new to this so I am probably replying in all the wrong places. Hopefully when I have been promoted I will find the chat room easier :)

04-10-11, 20:40
Hi Lorna and :welcome:... What you describe is very common with anxiety however unpleasent it feels. Ive had all of what you describe and it took me ages to accept its anxiety. Please dont worry about other things however difficult that is. The more you worry and think the more youll feel and be aware of the sensations. It takes practice however the less space in your thoughts you give these feelings gradually they will start to subside. Hope that makes sense

Youll be ok. :winks: