View Full Version : Up sh*t creek...

19-05-06, 20:10
I have been off work since last October (except for a week at the beginning of Jan whereupon I was sent home by my manager as I was clearly not better). Doc had signed me off with anxiety/depression throughout all this period. I'd had severe panic attacks and the whole range of anxiety symptoms. Scariest time of my life and I'm not quite out of the woods yet. My sick pay ran out in mid Feb and an income protection insurance claim was made (through the company's policy). They have my medical records from the GP.

I found out today that my claim has been refused on the basis that:

1. They do not recognise anxiety as a medical condition
2. There is no clinical evidence to back up my claim
3. I won't take antidepressants since the first one I had made it all worse
4. I recently moved further away from work

I'm stunned and so upset and angry. I have been on SSP for 3 months now (which makes me about £1000s down on what I should have earned). I am no benefits as I am still employed by my company. Up sh*t creek, like I say...

The thing is that the company's private health insurers have obviously recognised the condition as they have authorised the treatment and validated my psychotherapist!

I surely have the right to state a preference on my treatment? I chose a talking therapy rather than a pharmaceutical one. I am being punished now.

I seem to have to do everything myself with this. I have spent so much time learning how to manage the condition. Now it seems like I shouldn't have bothered.

Or maybe the last 8 months of my life were just a horrible dream.

Anyone got any ideas on what to do next? I'm so tired of it all.

Eeb x

19-05-06, 21:09
sorry youve had a bad time..i would suggest going to seek legal advice as im sure it is a recognised medical condition if your doctor has signed you off..let us know how you get on best of luck xx

jools xx

19-05-06, 21:20
Do you belong to a union ??

20-05-06, 17:35
Thanks for your replies.

Jools, I shall be taking advice. I guess I am just stunned that they say that anxiety is not a recognised medical condition!

Pilly, no I don't belong to a union. Not sure there is one for my industry.

Most of all, I'm upset that after all those GP visits, he just didn't bother to document what I'd said. What it means is that I have 2 battles to face; one appeal process with the insurers and one complaints process with the GP. Great. Lots of conflict - just what I need...

Bit like asking someone with a broken leg to run a marathon. Seems deliberately cruel.

Eeb x