View Full Version : anaemia and anxiety

04-10-11, 19:06
Hi, I am feeling really anxious at the moment. Had bad symptoms for weeks now. Racing heart, constant chest pain and pain in the top centre of my back, constantly breathless, tight chest and tummy pains (like stitch pains)
My doc has done blood tests and says i have normal iron levels but low hemoglobin levels so i need more blood tests to check b12, folate and thalasamal levels.
I have been googling for hours now and i am getting really scared. I dont know if the high anxiety is caused by the anaemia or not.
Do you think the anxiety is seperate or linked? the anxiety has been very high for weeks now though not just because of my doc visit today, although this has give me much more focus for it. Any advice? dont know if i should phone nhs direct or if im over reacting.
thanks for any replies

04-10-11, 23:57
Hey Sarah, it sucks that you're going through such a rough patch.. and I'm sorry I can't give you any medical advice -I don't know whether the anemia is the cause of your anxiety symptoms, but (and I know it's hard!) try not to worry about what the doctor said today - it's good that you're getting some answers and that you may get a quick remedy for your symptoms (if it is anemia induced symptoms you're having)
Have you been aware of feeling anxious the last few weeks? Or do you remember when you started feeling bad with the symptoms? If you have felt generally anxious it could just be anxiety, but either way try not to google!! (I need to take this advice too!!)
Anemia is a common thing and I'm sure you'll be sorted out soon.
All the very best.