View Full Version : wakeing up feeling funny

04-10-11, 20:55
hi, ever once in a while some reason i wake up after i fall alseep feeling like im dieing and breathing very hard like i cant breath for some reason and funny feelings in my neck and chest area like im weak and dieing and cant move to good, after i clam down for a few seconds it goes away, im so scared about what it is. im 26 and i have had anixtey problems for years and i worry alot of dieing. ive had k.e.g of my heart like 2 years ago, they said i was fine, just not sure if its anixety or a heart problem, its got my worried. dont have any problems awake just during sleep, which my sleeping id off, i set up all night cuz i cant sleep and then sleep all day mostly, does anyone else know what is goin on with me? thanks it would mean alot


04-10-11, 21:29
Hello Hun,
Yes my anxiety/panic attacks always happen in the middle of the night, ive never had one in the day! i go to sleep then wake and feel numb/cant breathe/am close to ringing a and e cos i think im about to die etc!! sound familiar? hehe. its very scary isnt it hun i totally sympathise with you. i havnt really got any advice cos i havnt solved it myself but just wanted to let you no your not alone xxxx:hugs:

04-10-11, 22:18
Ive had this-infact I had one a few weeks ago where I work up with a jolt-heart palping,chest tight , pain in armpits (heart attack-right ! ) felt scared like I was gonna die. tried to wake hubby up but could nt then seriously considered dialling 999-but I just lay there thinking oh well its too late now if Im gonna die Im gonna die and this strangely stopped me panicking -eventually I calmed down-and Im still alive ! Its awful I know the only thing you can do is try and talk yourself out of it-a CBT therapist told me to tell myself you dont die from anxiety and let it wash over you. good luck :hugs: