View Full Version : Help what should I do?

04-10-11, 22:01
About 8 weeks ago I stopped taking the medication I had been
Taking for 3 years. and I have become a completely changed
Person. my wife says I am now acting the way I did before I started
The medication. basically the medication drugged me to the point
Where I could not function. although now I am functioning
Better inside I feel like I am bomb waiting to go off.
Every day I worry about my health and the health of my wife
I worry about how many time a day I go to the toilet. and if I
Or my wife have cancer. and that if I do find something that
Looks wrong. I will lose complete control and go in to a panic
That will go on for days. so should I go back on the medication?
Or stay has I am my wife thinks I am a lot better and i do feel
that i can do things i have not done for years. but she does not
Know what is going on inside me

05-10-11, 03:28
Did you stop taking the medication with the support of your doctor? It would be worth talking to him - maybe you need a reduced med for a while, or another type.

Congratulations for functioning better in many ways :)

05-10-11, 15:54
I stopped the medication on my own basally because
In the end I did not have a sex life I wondered if it was the pills
So I stopped them a little at a time and everything has come back
I feel like I have my life back I have just driven back from seeing my brother
Who I had not seen for 2 years because I was too scared to drive and see him
And it's all down to stopping the medication I still have all the panic and anxiety
But I am controlling it myself as for my Doctor he is a useless W--------R
Infect all doctors are because they do not understand and have no time for us
As each day goes by I feel more able to cope then I ever did on medication
The only thing that worries me is that the bomb I fell inside will go off
And I will fall back in to the DARK