View Full Version : bi-polar/manic depression

19-05-06, 20:54
I have been told that I have bi-polar/manic depression. I knew a bout the depression and assumed that 1 day I would get better.
My Nutty doctor and my GP have both told me that my type of depression can be controled.Not cured and that we have to take each bad time with care. whilst making sure I dont go manic.
Being manic is horrid nearlly as bad as the downers.
Dose any 1 else have my illness?How do you cope.
Yours Dawn

22-05-06, 09:11
Hi Dawn im Stacey.
I havent been diagnosed yet but my therapist an doc are monitoring me on the thinking that i am bi-polar. So dont know exactly how you feel but i do have an idea.
Think you just need to be positive easier said than done i know.
If you want to talk pm me hun.
take care xxx
