View Full Version : What are the best anxiety med's with the least side effects?

05-10-11, 08:21

I'm going to the doc's next week as I can't stop worrying about my dizziness and eye floater problem (I won't go through the detail again as I'm been over it lots). It's got to the point where it's taken over my life, I struggle to leave the house. I've had CBT therapy which isn't working, and I think I need to take something to help me get over this. I'm going to the doc's next week to discuss this.

Anyone got any advice on 'good' anxiety meds, one's that don't knock you about too much? I know it's up to the doctor but I'm just interested in any experience you guys may have.



05-10-11, 09:14
hello mate , im sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. i have also been suffering with dizziness due to stress and anxiety. its lasted nearly 3months. My doc has me on 45mg of Mirtzapine which has stopped a depression i was suffering but not my physical anxiety symptoms- i would also say that some of the side effects are going to possibly cause further anxiety - my dizziness definitely was worsened.

Have you considered natural remedies. For instance common causes of dizziness linked to anxiety include neck tension, so try paying for a massage and some aromatherapy . Also look into Chinese ear candle treatment, it worked wonders on my sinuses .

hope this helps. Take care

05-10-11, 09:34
Sorry to hear that, yeah it's the side effects that worry me too. Ended up feeling worse is not what I had in mind! lol.

I haven't thought about aromatherapy mate. Funny you say that, my neck is soo stiff and tense. I was considering seeing a chiropractor as I do often get an ache sleeping on one side.

Cheers for your advice.

---------- Post added at 09:34 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

Have you had various tests then mate for your diziness? Mine has lasted 8 months..feels like I'm constantly drunk or what i'd call brain fog. It's the worst when I'm in busy places like shops.

05-10-11, 10:24
mine is worse when i focus on it or when i am in situations that i associate with feelg anxious or dizzy, like crowded places but also when im at work.

My anxieties started about 3 months ago after a period of prolonged stresses , initially i noticed that i was irritable alot and thought i was having word finding problems when talking, I hit google and started to panic about VCJD and MS....

Before I knew it i had pins and needles , dizziness and muscle twitches all over. DOC diagnosed me with anxiety and gave me meds. However i was obsessed with vcjd by this poont , reading all the info I could find and consequently feeding my symptoms- doc does a mini neurological exam and thinks im fine but refers me to a neurologist who im seeing at the end of the month .

So still awaiting tests but im not getting worse and i have had a long wait to see neuro (9 WEEKS) which i find reassuring. .

I Have also been recently diagnosed with OCD, which helps to explain why i have struggled to stop worrying about very unlikely diseases because i suffer very common symptoms.

I see you went to a neuro, what tests did they do?

05-10-11, 12:09
I've been taking Clonazepam off and on for years, and except for some tiredness that occurs shortly after taking it, I've had no side effects that I can pin on it. So I wouldn't take it before long drives or operating heavy machinery, but if you just need to get through a stressful day with a little extra help, it's worked out well for me.

Also, things like aromatherapy, yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises have no side effects, and they do work better than medication for some!

05-10-11, 14:54
Thanks mollyfin, I'll hopefully be given something to try soon. I've ended my CBT sessions for now as I feel I'm too wrapped up in my anxiety that it's not working for me.

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

downsouthdevil, completely spot on to my situation mate. I've had an MRI which was completely clear, back in March. I've had a full blood count, and been tested for Lyme's disease, all clear..nero just did a few reflex tests, balance tests, and the scan..he said it was a tension headache..

I think basically, once you get a test result, you feel satisfied for a short period of time but then because the feeling doesn't go you obsess about something else.

I'm going back to the doc Tuesday as I've developed a lump on my skull, which may have been there for a long time..but because of these lightheaded feeling it turns you into a paranoid person. Logically it can't be a tumour as it's on the skull so could be a cyst or excess bone..also my scan was in March, surely much couldn't of changed.

I also get the lightheaded feeling stronger in busy places..it's like a dreamy head sensation, always present like I'm under the influence of something in a way. I feel disconnected.

MS would show on your scan so I wouldn't worry about that. I really believe your scan will come back negative :)

---------- Post added at 14:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

By the way, all my symptoms came on after a stressful time too..strange huh?

Keep me posted on your progress, it helps when your not alone..I'm sure we will get there in the end, put your faith in the doctors..I'm trying to, but it's hard as I still believe something is wrong. My only confirmed condition is the PVD in my eye (bad eye floaters), which isn't serious but I'm worrying it's all connected