View Full Version : Anxiety messing with my relationship and my happiness

05-10-11, 09:25
My entire life has been a mess of anxiety and misery, but usually it just makes me sad. But right now it's really pissing me off.

I have a wonderful girlfriend. We've been together for a little over nine months. I am constantly, constantly worried that she's tired of me. Whenever she hesitates to respond to a comment I make about how much I love her or our future together, I immediately assume she's trying to find a way to respond to it that won't be a lie but won't make me feel bad, either. Sort of like when someone says "I love you," and you don't love them to you say "I love spending time with you." It sounds good, and you're not really lying.

And, I don't know. Maybe the fact that she hesitates to respond IS a bad sign. But I flat-out ask her all the time, are you tired of me, are you mad at me, do you still love me, do you want to be with me, etc. And yes, I know how exhausting that is for a person so I try to keep it in check. But here's the kicker: She's exactly like me! She says she's always worried that I'm going to beat my SA, spend more time out on my own and find someone I like more, wonder why I'm dating someone her age (she's only five and a half years older than me, but late 20s/early 30s sometimes feels like a bigger divide than it is) who isn't employed, lives at home, etc.

Hilariously - in a black humor way - as I was typing this, I got a text from her saying "miss u already" - she just left from my place to go back to hers. (We both live with our respective families as anxiety and other issues makes us difficult to employ.) I suspect she's trying to make me feel better, because I suggested hanging out again tomorrow since she'll be near me for a job interview, and she seemed to be trying really hard to make an excuse not to have to (first that she didn't want to come over two days in a row, as she and my mother are getting over a bit of a problem, then when I suggested just staying out, I was met with about ten solid seconds of silence before a halfhearted "okay" and then a suddenly "remembered" excuse that she was hanging out with a friend tomorrow.) I half-jokingly said if she was getting tired of me just to say so. I know I shouldn't say things like that but I just get so panicked I speak without thinking.

It's getting to the point where even her reassuring me doesn't make me feel better. I don't think she's lying, really. I'm just always looking for signs that she's secretly bored with our relationship. I'm always scared that she's just staying with me because she knows my mental health is fragile and losing her would mess me up. Or maybe she does love me but only because I go out of my way to be thoughtful and considerate, and if I didn't try to do so many nice things for her, she wouldn't care about me. Plus she pursued me for months - and I know how once you get what you've wanted it never really lives up to your expectations.

It hasn't always been like this - a couple of months ago we had a big fight and she told me I was making her miserable and treated her like crap. She's since said she didn't mean it, that usually we're a good couple, etc, but ever since then I've had huge amounts of anxiety about our relationship that weren't there before. It's like...if I couldn't tell I was making her miserable and I thought everything was great then, I can't trust my perceptions of the relationship at all. It probably doesn't help that in my last two relationships before this one (and I mean these were YEARS back and years apart; I don't date often), things were going great and I was hearing "I love you" and "I'm in love with you" on a regular basis, only to completely out of the blue find out that I was being left for someone else (of the opposite gender no less!).

Does this happen to anyone else? Does your anxiety warp your perceptions of how people feel about you? Do you worry that people are saying one thing and feeling another? I hate being like this but I don't know what to do about it. I guess therapy would be ideal but I wouldn't even know what kind of therapist I should seek out.

05-10-11, 09:40
I would give her more space, spending too much time together doesn't give her a chance to miss you.
I don't know If you are insecure of if the ways she's acting and your gut feeling is making you insecure.

I ca't answer as any time I had a bad feeling I've always been right, no matter how much I ignored it or thought it was me being paranoid, I'd never have much evidence either just an odd feeling something was wrong.

But one thing that helps is to judge people by their actions and not their words.

05-10-11, 10:08
i really agree with mishel to:

judge people by their actions and not by their words.

words come easy, people are quick to say things....but actions they are the way somebody really thinks..otherwise why would they act that way?

please take care of yourself. i completely understand where you are coming from as i am going through an actual break up and i feel like i am actually dying as i have given everything to this person and they took it away. never build a foundation for your confidence on somebody else, find your strength within and always carry it with you protect it.


05-10-11, 12:18
I guess she wouldn't spend 8-10 hours at a stretch just hanging out with me if she didn't like me. And she's really done nothing to make me think that she doesn't. At least nothing that a normal person would look twice at. I mean, I'm in a state where every time she compliments me I wonder if it's her trying to convince herself that she feels that way about me. It's beyond ridiculous.

And you're right about needing to be able to stand on my own regardless, and that's something I've been trying to deal with for most of my life. I don't tend to be in relationships often, as I said, but I still rely too heavily on others.

05-10-11, 13:54
Seems like you are just insecure, you are afraid of getting hurt, maybe also low in confidence as you are finding it hard to accept she likes you.

When it comes down to it, we can't control any one, when you love someone you always risk losing them.
I understand how it can be hard just to let go of that fear.

I would stop the questioning if she loves you, as this can end up pushing her away .
Sometimes it can be the fear of losing someone that makes us loose them.

I would maybe tr therapy or CBT to help change your negative thinking.

05-10-11, 14:55
Yes you're right - I do like that she also has the same fears as I do, or so she claims, that she worries I'll meet someone I like more and leave her. And yeah I try to tell myself, "Well, if she's changed her mind since you saw her last, you've given her no reason to, so there's nothing you can do about it. And if she's going to do something like that you're better off without her." Most of the time it works. Today it doesn't. Today I just feel like she's looking for a way to escape me, even though she said today she still wants to marry me. (We've discussed it for a long time since we agreed going into this relationship that we were both looking for something serious.) And just two weeks ago she was telling me "please don't fall in love with her" when I was telling her about a great time I had reconnecting with a childhood friend that weekend. (No real chance of that happening, but it was fun seeing someone I'd not seen in sixteen years and feeling like it had been weeks since we last spoke!)

I got the name of a cbt therapist from my psychopharm and I think I'll call her when I get home on Friday. I also need to find a way to have friends and a life outside of the house, but as those of you with anxiety and agoraphobia know, that can be so hard, especially on your own. But there must be a way.

Edited to clarify: I don't like that she has these insecurities; I said that wrong, it's more that I'm glad she understands them because she has them, so she won't misunderstand me and think I don't trust her or something.

05-10-11, 15:28
we can never know what the future holds and we can't control who we fall in love with.
That does pretty much make most of us insecure :)

Maybe, you are insecure and being clingy and that is making her need a bit of space?
Ask her if there is any thing you are doing that bothers her, or if there is something she would like you not to do.

I know myself there's lots of little ways you can be clingy without realizing it, like when the person want to go home and you ask them to stay for 5 more minutes etc..
If she wants to do her own thing, don't question it, maybe she feels guilty for wanting to spend time alone, which is just going to add more stress.

Back up a little and wait for her to come to you.
No offence but 9 months is very very short to be dating someone, and ye are talking of marriage... I'm not saying ye aren't in love just that it seems to be moving very fast.

You girlfriend just felt threatened by the fact you had a female childhood friend and might be very close. She would have sensed your excitement and to her you were excited and happy to be meeting a woman that was not her.

As well as dating you do need your own friends and your own hobbies outside of her.
It will keep the whole thing healthy and balanced .

27-10-11, 12:15
This relationship is definitely moving faster than most, likely because we've known each other and been close friends for years prior to starting a romantic relationship. So a lot of the things you usually find out about peoples' habits and lifestyles that make you know whether or not you might be compatible long-term, we already know.