View Full Version : Hello, I'm new but would like some help

05-10-11, 14:37

I am an anxiety sufferer however, I keep getting a kind of pressure in my ears and I also feel a bit spaced. My vision seems to go weird.

Lately I have been having panic attacks when I drive home from work but I'm ok when I drive to work?

I'm worried that I have either a physical medical condition or that I'm losing the plot.

I'm sat here at work and feel worried that I'm going to lose my sight whilst driving home or I'll faint or feel dizzy.

I thought I was over all this. I have been taking meds for 12 years and thought I was cured but every few months WHOOSH it's back again.

I worry that I may be thinking its anxiety when its something serious.


05-10-11, 14:52
I think i would go and see GP if i was you to eliminate possible ear infection and if he doesn't find anything then is more likely your anxiety kicking up again.