View Full Version : Preasurre to wee AGAIN :( Am so scared please someone help!

05-10-11, 16:19
Since Feb i've been getting preasurre to wee, not like I need to wee but just the preasure if that makes sense. I know alot of you have had the same but its really getting me down now. I can go a couple of weeks not having it then it comes back. Been coming and going for over 8 months now andam now worried more than ever and keep thinking I have something seriously wrong with me :( Do you think I would have more symptoms by now if I did have cancer? I'm so scared to go the Drs too. Some have said its stress related and I do know it gets worse when I focus on it but its like a vicious circle, I try not to focus but end up doing so :( Can somebody please reasure me that they have the same as me and that they've overcome it or have the same symptoms.

Thank you xxxx

05-10-11, 17:53
You mean pressure on your bladder? Where you pubic bone is?
I would get an ultra sound scan done,
The cause can be lots of things, cysts, kidney stones, women problems, bladder issues.
But all pretty treatable if you did have any of them :)

It could indeed be stress related, I have IBS and when I get stressed I get very bad cramps and squeezing in m tummy.

Have you ever mentioned this to your doctor? Its always good to get things checked out.
It's a good sign too it comes and goes and isn't constant :)

The only thing I can relate to, is a few days ago I peed and the area stung a wee bit, then as I started walking I got a weird cramping/pressure like sensation in my bladder.
I am not sure what it was but I get that once every few months sometimes with a sharp pain.
Tested clear for any infections.

I do think there is something called irritable bladder , I have read about it on here.

07-10-11, 22:18
Thanks very much for your repley :) xx

Hazel B
08-10-11, 12:39
Hi. I had pressure, burning and pain when my anxiety was bad. I had 5 lots of antibiotics, culture samples, STD tests and all came back negative. I was referred to a urologist who was able to see my recent CT and MRI scans (I had a health problem undiagnosed so lots of scans at the time). He was able to see that my bladder walls looked OK wiht no damage. He suggested that anxiety can affect the bladder as one of the symptoms and to keep fighting anxiety. I had Propranolol at the time. It's a long story but I found my "urge" problem went away when I started to calm down, it took about 3 months but it eventually stopped.

You really need to be brave and see your GP as they can help. I always wrote down my issues and symptoms so that if I got upset I could show them the list. :)

08-10-11, 13:16
Hi there,
I am like you Pauline, I have not said anything to my GP yet as I have so much to say about my other ailments there just is not time.
I put it down to stress.
I did go the urologist about 2 years ago and had tests scans etc because i had blood in my urine, it turned out to be a bladder infection.
I know it sounds awful but if I know I am going to be along way from a toilet a wear tenna pants underneath my own pants,just to be on the safe side.Go see your GP even if you have been before---- to put your mind at rest.
Hope PaulaLynne,or Sue or Bill don't see this post
Take care

14-10-11, 19:32
Hi all, thank for your replies. I went back the Dr with an sample, everything was clear and guess what? Told me it was anxiety related !! LOL and since then the preasure has gone ! So again it was all in my mind !! xxx

Hazel B
14-10-11, 19:44
It's unbelievable what anxiety and stress can do to our bodies! Glad you had it checked out.:)

14-10-11, 20:06
Glad you're ok x

14-10-11, 20:10
Thank you :) just exhausted now and got lighthededness !! xx