View Full Version : Have a weird headache

05-10-11, 17:40
Had it all day but it's gotten worse.
I do get migraines and it's not one of them I don't believe.
The pain is on the top of my head, my eyes are a little sensitive to light.
My head feels funny, dizzy, heavy, and I hear a click in my head when ever I move it.
Its sort of a pounding type pain.
Have icy cold then warm sensations on my head too.
My neck also feels very stiff. It cracks when I turn my head and didn't do that before.
I feel a bit weak and strange.

My shoulders are now sore and stiff and hurt to move, maybe I just over did the cleaning.

Ugh I hate anything new, with my migraines and headaches I am used to stuff like this, but this time it just feels different from the others :(

It's not bad enough that I need to lye down, but I get these waves of pain which are very scary to me and my head feels so tight.

I have a 101 one fears running through my mind, I have had headaches every day for months but I put that down too needing my wisdom teeth out.

I am trying to massage my neck but my wrists keep getting achy,

I feel silly tying this as I know what I would reply to this :(

I keep panicking then calming down then panicking.

Hazel B
05-10-11, 17:44
I get this with migraines, they can change and catch you out. Can you ring the NHS line for advice? I am not sure if you have it there but hope there's an equivalent?

Hope you feel better soon.

05-10-11, 18:50
Hi there,
I've had the same type of headache on and off for the past couple of weeks. It's really weird. I also get slightly dizzy/lightheaded with it. A lot of it has to do with my sinuses with the whole changing of the seasons. I think some of it was tension too from worrying about it. (The stress at my job doesn't help! :))
I actually had one yesterday. Pain relievers didn't seem to help, but as soon as I went home and relaxed a little it started to ease.
Hope this helps!

08-10-11, 17:52
Thank you for relying x
Well the headaches eased off a lot, but not totally gone, I am also getting a lot of nausea with that green nasty tasting bile stuff in my tummy.
Also had the weirdiet thing happen yesterday where all of a sudden my head started to feel like it was vibrating really strongly.
I panicked stood up, tried to breath through it, it did go but really freaked me out!
I eventually forgot about it and calmed down again )
My headache at the moment it top and front of my head, my nose isn't blocked but it does feel rather like a sinus headache.

Hazel B
09-10-11, 20:20
All this I get with migraine as well, it can be frightening. Hope you're OK.